
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 31 May 2019 - TheSMU Visionary Series, presented by the Lee Kong Chian School of Business atSingapore Management University (SMU), is an opportunity to hear from eminentleaders who have demonstrated the power of ideas to change attitudes, societiesand the world as we know it. It will feature some of the most prolific industryplayers and thinkers, from different spheres of influence, who will share theirunique life lessons and insights that will stimulate ideas for a bettermarketplace and society.
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The auditorium in SMU was packed with 300 people for theinaugural lecture, where it saw CharlesCHEN Yidan, founder of Yidan Prize, gave a talk titled "Zero to Infinity:How Education Unlocks Endless Possibilities."
SMU President Professor Lily Kong, Dean of SMU Lee KongChian School of Business Professor Gerard George, SMU faculty, staff andstudents, as well as leaders and representatives from the public and privatesectors were present at the lecture.
Dr. Chen noted that mid-way through his life, he experienceda profound change where he left the technology sector and devoted his energyand effort in philanthropy and education. He explained that such a changestemmed from his belief that "education is the foundation of moderncivilization, and that it is also power that propels tech innovation, socialprogression, proper values, and equality and justice."
As such, he couldn't emphasize enough about the importanceof education. "Education is the mother of innovation. This is because in modernsociety, a firm foundation has been formed through universal basic educationand the increased in literacy rate. This allows disadvantaged young people togain self-confidence and connect with the ever-changing world, where they canopen different doors for themselves through innovation," Dr. Chen said.
Technological innovation in education helps to increasestudents' participation rate and create a whole new teaching experience. This,in turn, will create a learning environment that is conducive to creativity andinnovation. When technology meets education, it becomes obvious that the powerof innovation is unstoppable.
In referencing Yidan Prize Laureate Carol DWECK's "growth mindset," Dr. Chen encouraged the students tochange their mindset from fixed to growth, so that they could overcome theirobstacles and unleash their potential. And everyone could have a bountifullife.
In the talk, Dr. Chen also explained that the Yidan Prize isabout recognizing educators who work for the future. He noted that the prizesupports education projects that are innovative, transformative, andsustainable. He encouraged the students to go after their dreams, and startexploring the endless possibilities from zero.
Asia is one of the world's fastest growing regions in theworld, where there is plenty of talent and societies are full of energy. Dr.Chen remarked that entrepreneurs are innovators, and students should cherishopportunities at hand.
Founded in 2016 by Dr. Charles Chen Yidan, a core founder ofTencent, the Yidan Prize has a mission of creating a better world througheducation. It consists of two awards, the Yidan Prize for Education Researchand the Yidan Prize for Education Development. Yidan Prize Laureates eachreceives a gold medal and a total sum of HK$30 million (around US$3.9 million),half of which is a cash prize while the other half is a project fund. To ensuretransparency and sustainability, the prize is managed by Yidan Prize Foundationand governed by an independent trust with an endowment of HK$2.5 billion(around US$323 million). Through a series of initiatives, the prize aims toestablish a platform for the global community to engage in conversation aroundeducation and to play a role in education philanthropy.