HONGKONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 30 May 2019 -Abstract: DigitalUSDLLC won the award of "Excellent Technology Financial Enterprise" atthe Hong Kong FINWISE Summit, and Johnson Zhao, founder of DUSD, won the awardof "Leader in Blockchain Investment".Four major preferred exchangessign on-site DUSD stablecoins ecology. DUSD marketing VP Mr. Ying Jun gave anoverview of the digital changes in the Millennium currency history, andinterpreted authoritatively the ten-year trend of stablecoins gold and theecological layout of DUSD.
Key word:DUSD; New York Digital USD;FINWISE; FINWISE Summit;FINWISE Golden Globe Award
On May 29, 2019,the Finwise Summit, which has been held at the Intercontinental Hotel in HongKong, entered the agenda of the second day. It was about the blockchain andfuture finance. There were heated discussions among industry opinion leadersand business leaders.This summit gathered the strongest brains of the times,excellent enterprises and thousands of blockchains enthusiasts around theworld, promoted industry exchanges, integration and development, and shared thepath of blockchains financial development.
DUSD Exclusively Named the 2019Hong Kong FINWISE Summit & DUSD-Award for Excellent Science and Technology FinancialEnterprises & Johnson Zhao, founder of DUSD, a leader in blockchain investment & DUSD Special Exhibition Area forthe FINWISE Summit & Four Best Exchanges Contracted to Join DUSD Stablecoins Ecology
Johnson Zhao, founder of DUSD, wasinvited to attend the meeting on behalf of DUSD, the exclusive sponsor of the summit.He delivered the opening speech "Inferno Battlefield of Blockchain - FromBitcoin to Facebook Coin". He examined the industry trend of Blockchainand interpreted the global fourth-generation stablecoins DUSD on the spot,which won unanimous praise and universal attention from the participants.DUSDshined in the summit, with its title, opening speech, exhibition arrangementand award winning. DUSD was active everywhere.
DUSD won two awards for "FINWISE Golden Globe Award"
DUSD defined the trend of stablecoinsindustry. The 2019 Hong Kong FINWISE Summit was exclusively named by New York DigitalUSD DUSD and sponsored wholeheartedly.DUSD won two awards at the FINWISE GoldenGlobe Award Ceremony on the 29th, amid the 50 + blockchain projects at home andabroad, 100 + investment institutions and hundreds of opinion leaders andindustry guests.
1. DigitalUSD LLC was awarded"Excellent Technology Finance Enterprise".
2. Johnson Zhao, founder of DUSD,won the title of "Leader in Blockchain Investment".
After two rounds of evaluation ofthe "FINWISE Golden Globe Award" by the expert panel of the SummitOrganizing Committee, DUSD won the trophy and certificate issued by the FINWISEOrganizing Committee and became the long-term strategic cooperation unit of theFINWISE Summit.
Four Best Exchanges Signed DUSD Stablecoins Ecology
DUSD, as the fourth generation ofstablecoins, was an important representative of enterprises participating inthe summit.In the two-day agenda of the Summit, DUSD dispatched the elite ofmarketing team, set up brand exclusive exhibition area, and communicated anddiscussed with enterprises, teams and experts of block chain industry on site.
On the morning of the 29th, DUSDheld a grand signing ceremony of strategic cooperation with the four majorexchanges of BOSSCOIN, HAYEK, Diamond and biclu.DUSD officially opened tradingzones in four major preferred exchanges, serving as the benchmark currency forcurrency transactions, and supporting OTC over-the-counter transactions ofexchanges.Before signing the contract, DUSD Marketing VP Ying Jun explained"the next decade of stablecoins" on the spot, looked forward to thetrend of stablecoins in the next ten years with experts and leaders of fieldblock chain, and interpreted the ecological strategic layout of DUSD in depth.
Authoritative Interpretation of DUSD:Ten-year Trend of Stablecoinsand Ecological Distribution of DUSD
In the keynote speech of "TheNext Decade of Stablecoins", Mr. Ying Jun, VP of DUSD Marketing, surveyedthe digital changes in the perspective of the Millennium Monetary History. From2019, the macro-prediction was that the gold decade of stablecoins has opened,and the fourth generation of stablecoins would be the next stop ofstablecoinsThe new generation of stablecoins registered on Wall Street andregulated by U.S. law, the New York Digital USD (DUSD) was the fourthgeneration stablecoins, which combined the original PoE ecological consensusand exclusive algorithm.The DUSD R&D team had creatively solved theproblems of reliability and stability left over by previous generations ofstablecoins.
Mr. Ying Jun recalled severalimportant nodes in the monetary history of mankind in four thousand years. Helisted the ten years of the emergence of Alipay in 2004 to the firststablecoins USDT in 2014 as the biggest financial change after theestablishment of the dollar's international hegemony in the Bretton Woodssystem in 1944.From barter to natural currency, after a long precious metalcurrency era, to paper currency and credit currency, the innovation of currencyaccelerated. Finally, digital cash, represented by Bitcoin and belonging to thedigital era, came into being.
Mr. Ying Jun's good expectations ofthe stablecoins as an infrastructure and industry catalyst in the block chainwere encouraging, he said."The next ten years will be the golden ten yearsof stablecoins. The trend of stablecoins is to anchor, form and currency in aunified way.Because of the existence of stablecoins, the currency frictionbetween countries will become smaller and smaller.In the next decade, thefourth generation of stablecoins would enter more and more mainstream publicchains.Users would gradually migrate from Alipay to ImToken, and steadilyaccept block chain stablecoins.In the fields of commodity trading, cross-bordere-commerce, retail aggregate payment, digital finance and digital innovationfinance, stablecoins would play an indispensable role.Embracing the stablecurrency enables Wall Street to worship the block chain from rejection toacceptance.The industry stablecoins or ecological stablecoins with Turing'scomplete system must be the cornerstone of the industry chain.In the nextdecade, some countries with serious currency overruns would even accept digitalstablecoins as their own currency."
Mr. Ying Jun pointed out withunique insight that the seemingly newborn stablecoins has actually been updatedthree times already.Tether's USDT was the first generation stablecoins,Gemini's GUSD and Pax's PAX were the second generation compliance stablecoins,and Facebook Coin would be the third generation single ecologicalstablecoins.DuSD, as the representative of the fourth generation stablecoinswith Turing's complete stablecoins system, would support the future ofcross-ecological application of stablecoins.DUST upholded the business rules ofmutual benefit and win-win, and was willing to advance with all parties in theDUST ecological chain.As Mozi's famous book "Business Way" said,"I have the same benefits as the customer, but the customer lasts for along time, while I have the same benefits, but it is a win-winsituation.", DUSD made a proper interpretation of the industry consensusand win-win cohesion of the blockchain.
In the short two-day agenda of theSummit, DUSD stablecoins led the new momentum of blockchain finance, and hastaken root in the industry with the unique imprint of DUSD.2019 was the keyyear for the development of stablecoins. With the expansion of the influence ofstablecoins and the diversification of industry ecology, more and more peoplearound the world would witness the dollar-like quality on the Digital USD DUSD.