KUALALUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach -30 May 2019 - FSMOne (formerly known as Fundsupermart.com), the onlineinvestment distribution arm of iFAST Capital Sdn. Bhd. ("iFAST Capital") is nowoffering round-the-clock bond trading through its in-house marketplace, FSMOneBond Express. Previously, investors are only able to trade retail and wholesalebonds via FSMOne Bond Express on weekdays from 9am till 5pm excluding weekendsand public holidays. The 24-hour continuous, one-of-a-kind initiative serves toenhance investors' experience by allowing them the flexibility of transactingbonds at any time of the day.
Thisinitiative comes on the back of FSMOne's launch of retail bonds in early April2019 in line with the Securities Commission Malaysia's (SC) new bond seasoningframework. iFAST Capital is the first bonds broker to enable investors totransact retail-qualified bonds and sukuk from as low as RM1,000 in nominalvalue through FSMOne and through the FA companies and financial institutionswhich use iFAST's Business-to-Business (B2B) platform services.
"Sincethe launch of retail bonds, we are seeing more and more D-I-Y investors showingstrong interest in the bond market. They not only are able to start their bond investmentjourney at RM1,000, but they can do so now at their own convenience and intheir own comfort whenever they like. This initiative is made possible by marryingour technological expertise with our drive to provide more than just a placefor our investors to trade," says Mr Wong Weiyi, General Manager of FSMOneMalaysia.
Besidesthis new initiative, clients can view their bond investments in their holdings asbonds are now transacted instantly on FSMOne platform.
"Bondtransactions through FSMOne Bond Express are transacted on a real time basisand investors can view their bond investments in the holdings immediately nowinstead of the 4 working days that is taken for settlements. This also means thatinvestors are eligible to earn interest starting from the date of purchase," MrWong Weiyi commented.
Thisinitiative applies not only to retail bonds but also to the wholesale segmentunder the FSMOne Bond Express that many are not familiar or even aware of. Onlysophisticated investors whose total net assets exceed RM3 million or grossannual income exceeds RM300,000 could invest in wholesale bonds and find a hostof interesting foreign currency bonds in SGD and USD that serves to diversifytheir portfolio.
"Investorscan now look beyond the local scene. Bonds that are distributed on the WholesaleBond Express list has undergone thorough reviews by our in-house investmentcommittee to be qualified for us to make a market. Our own analysts areconstantly keeping an eye out to reassess the creditworthiness of thesecompanies and the attractiveness of these bonds so that our investors arewell-informed of the latest happening about their bond investments," Mr WongWeiyi further commented.
Alongsideother growing fintech players providing novel investment solutions thatleverage on technology to ease investors' participation, FSMOne's introductionof opening up trading hours beyond the normal trading "window" is an evidencethat the market player is keen to adapt to the changing needs of investors.
"Everythingis all about convenience in today's world. You practically have the world at yourfingertips. We are just doing that, bringing bonds to our investors' fingertipswhenever they want to and help them understand that investing in bonds isfriendly and not as complex as they think," says Mr Wong Weiyi.
iFASTCapital Sdn Bhd's ("iFAST Capital") holding company is iFAST Malaysia Sdn Bhd,which is wholly-owned by iFAST Corporation Ltd. ("iFAST Corp"), Singapore'sleading fintech wealth management platform. iFAST Corp was listed on the SingaporeExchange Mainboard in December 2014.
FSMOne (previously known asFundsupermart.com) is the online unit trust distribution arm of iFAST CapitalSdn. Bhd. ("iFAST Capital"). It was first established in Malaysia in 2008 asan online platform for buying, selling and switching unit trusts from variousfund houses. It serves as an aggregator of unit trust products, facilitatingportfolio management in one account.
As a unittrust specialist, FSMOne capitalizes on critical information pooled fromassociated fund houses, providing an extensive range of information on globalmarkets. In addition, FSMOne has an in-house research team performingindependent research on unit trust investments, and conducting interviews withfund experts. As part of its service to investors, FSMOne features a versatileselection of online tools to aid unit trust portfolios analysis.
Every year,FSMOne organises two flagship events, "What and Where to Invest" in January and"Recommended Unit Trusts" in July. These seminars gather speakers from the unittrusts industry to share insights on their picks and the pertinent risks forinvestors to be aware of when investing.
FSMOnelaunched insurance products in July 2016, bonds in March 2017, and managedportfolios in May 2017. These launches are FSMOne's initiative to broaden therange of investment products and services to cater to different aspect offinancial planning for investors, from wealth accumulation to protection.
Under theBusiness-to-Business (B2B) division, iFAST Capital is a holder of a CapitalMarkets Services Licence (CMSL) and is licensed by the Securities Commission todeal in unit trusts, to deal in Private Retirement Scheme, to offer investmentadvisory services, to deal in Over-The-Counter bonds and to offer fund managementservice in relation to portfolio management. iFAST Capital is also registeredwith the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FiMM) as an InstitutionalUnit Trust Adviser (IUTA) and Institutional Private Retirement Scheme Adviser(IPRA). The B2B division provides a distribution platform which offersinvestment products, mainly funds, portfolios, and bonds to financial advisorycompanies and banks. iFAST Capital distributes over 500 unit trusts, close to200 different corporate and government bonds, 5 different insurance providersand unit trusts portfolios. Overall, iFAST Capital through its own platformserves 3 Institutional UTS Advisers (IUTAs), 17 Corporate UTS Advisers (CUTAs)and more than 500 wealth advisers registered under the platform.
Inassociation with the B2B business, iFAST Capital is also an approved FinancialAdviser licensed by the Central Bank of Malaysia to conduct financial advisorybusiness. Under its own iFAST Global Markets (IGM) brand, it was launched withthe vision and commitment of protecting consumers through complete commissionand fees transparency to offer consumers personalized and unbiased financialsolutions.
This information is purely informative and not to be construed as an offer orsolicitation for the subscription, purchase or sale of any of the funds orproducts found in this article. While iFAST Capital Sdn Bhd ("IFC") has triedto provide accurate and timely information, there may be inadvertent delays,omissions, technical or factual inaccuracies and typographical errors. Anyopinion or estimate contained in this article is made on a general basis andneither IFC nor any of its servants or agents have given any consideration tonor have they or any of them made any investigation of the investmentobjective, financial situation or particular need of any user or reader, anyspecific person or group of persons. No investment decision should be takenwithout first viewing and understanding the prospectus, offering circular,pricing supplement and/or other product disclosure documents. You shouldconsider carefully if the products you are going to purchase into are suitablefor your investment objective, investment experience, risk tolerance and otherpersonal circumstances. If you are uncertain about the suitability of theinvestment product, please seek advice from a financial or investment adviser,before making a decision to purchase the investment product. You should alsocarefully consider the cost involved. Past performance is not indicative offuture performance. The value of the investment products and the income fromthem may fall as well as rise. Opinions expressed herein are subject to changewithout notice. Please read our full disclaimer in the website.