KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach - 30 May 2019 - FinzTrade,Malaysia's first AI-enabled (Artificial Intelligence) stock trading educationportal, which focuses on helping novice traders level-up their trading game, willbe launched by Invinity Group on June 18 2019 with a promise to be a gamechanger in the industry.
The current economic situation doesnot augur well for many as the cost of living in the country has increasedsignificantly. As a result, many people have resorted to trying their luck instock trading as a means to earn supplemental income. Unfortunately, it isgenerally known that only 10 percent of traders achieve success in the marketand the other 90 percent fails, due to two main factors: inadequate tradingknowledge and trading done based on emotions. FinzTrade therefore seeks toeliminate these factors by sharing its stock trading experience with the users sothat they can become informed traders and trade objectively.
Novice, experienced traders or anyonewho would like to start stock trading can find out more about FinzTrade byattending the launch event on 18 Jun 2019. At the launch event, participantswill also get to hear guest speakers talk about how emotions can affect stocktrading and the relevance of short-term trading in any market cycle. To get a free admission ticket worth RM128and stand a chance to get free access to the portal when attending the event,one can register at www.finztrade.com.
InvinityGroup is a Fintech company specialising in financial and operational solutionswith Artificial Intelligence capabilities. The company aims to help individualsor corporate organisations achieve their sustainable growth through itsAI-enabled solutions. As a fast-growing Fintech, Invinity believes in innovatingsolutions that will add value and cater to their customers' progressive needs throughits subsidiaries of IT Solutions, Asset Management, Consulting and Ventures.