KAOHSIUNG, TAIWAN - Media OutReach - 3 June 2019 -"Kaohsiung International Forum 2019"concludedin Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Province perfectly on May 29th. This summitforum is title sponsored by U.S.A super project UN. GLOBAL.
"Kaohsiung International Forum 2019" is the highest scaleblock chain summit of Kaohsiung in the first half year of 2019, with theparticipation of Kaohsiung municipal government and the sponsorship of localYangmingshan Future Society in Kaohsiung. It focused on how to promote regionaldevelopment and economic cooperation under the big background of digital ageand carried out discussion and exchange. The mayor of Kaohsiung Han Guoyu,former prime minister of Taiwan Mao Zhiguo, Taiwan legislator Xu Yuren, vicemayor of Kaohsiung Ye Kuangshi, director general of Asia Pacific block chaindevelopment association Liao Shiwei, chairman of Oneness Group Deng Di,chairman of GSR Capital Wu Shenjun, CEO of Golden Sand Digital Bank of GSRCapital David Lim, honorary director of Future Society and dean of ChinaDigital Research Institute Zhu Jiaming, founding chairman of Hongkong BlockChain Association Liang Jieyang, executive director of Sinovation Ventures andfounder of Monoxide public chain doctor Wang Jiaping, etc, totally about 10government officers, officers of block chain association, and opinion leadersof block chain industry, attended this summit forum together.
As the general title sponsor, UN.GLOBAL appeared in theforum, and the Asia Pacific CEO Miguel Sinclair of UN.GLOBAL attended this forum andaddressed in the forum. He expressed that UN.GLOBAL is very confident of thishot land, and wants to bring their excellent product and service here.
After the conference, the conference reporters interviewedon site regarding to the latest strategic adjustment and the development planin Asia Pacific area of UN.GLOBAL. Miguel Sinclair indicated that UN.GLOBAL is a globalcomprehensive application platform of block chain, takes the development ofblock chain technology and the implementation of block chain industry as itsmission, and strives for building one comprehensive application platform ofblock chain with close combination of digital economy and physical economy. Itwill construct a decentralized, visualized, and highly free open sourcecommunity ecology of block chain and a globalized, base based, duplicable andinnovative business mode. He wished more people can know UN and take part inthe construction of global ecology of UN.GLOBAL together.
"IBS star Cagayan digitalassets free trade zone" subordinated to UN locates in Santa Ana of CagayanSpecial Economic Zone in north of Philippines, which faces to Taiwan across thestraight, with only 30 minutes voyage. Taiwan has been listed into theradiation scope of IBS for a long time, and IBS will strive for establish morecomplete digital free trade zone, to provide better product and service for thepeople in Taiwan and even in the whole south-east Asia.
IBS star Cagayan digitalassets free trade zone is the first global comprehensive application platformof block chain, the first physical project implemented by IBS star, the firstglobal digital assets free trade zone. It stabilizes the value through the freecirculation of stable token UC in Santa Ana free trade zone; it enrichesregional ecology and creates value through physical investment of UN.GLOBAL; itoutputs value and creates stable returns for UNTC users through platform tokenUNTC, and guarantees the safety and harmonious development of UN ecology.
IBS star wins the powerfulsupport of local government of Cagayan. Currently Cagayan special economic zonegovernment is building a series of commercial complex with virtual encrypted currencyof foreign capital as payment method. After the construction of IBS starproject, all the foreign enterprises and commercial complexes within Santa Anabay area of Cagayan province will support UC ( UN.GLOBAL commercial token), andsupport investment and assets management with UNTC as equity, and UNTC userswill have real name share holding in IBS star development projects according tothe UNTC quantity. It will create stable and long term value returns for morethan 1 million UN members.
Moreover, the early stage project of IBS star, i.e. Nankairesort cooperation has been implemented, and this resort has finished itsconstruction successfully, and will support UC payment. The technical research instituteand artificial intelligence center of UN.GLOBAL will also enter into IBS star.
Future Kaohsiung, UN.GLOBAL is willing to cooperate withKaohsiung International Forum to build a block chain hot island together! Builda bigger market and a bigger platform for "IBS digital assets free trade zone"!