SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 3 June 2019 -Last weekend, tech enthusiasts and shoppers gathered at The PCShow to experience the latest HUAWEIP30 Pro featuring a ground breaking Leica quad camerasystem, better known for its zoom and low-light capabilities. In the sameweekend, Huawei smartphone users were also given a complimentary phone careservice on its monthly ServiceDay at its customer service centres located at 313@Somerset andWestgate.
Keen supporters and long-time users of Huawei were unfazed byrecent events and instead expressed a resounding vote of confidence for thebrand.
Ms. Wei Ling, age 31, commented that, "I am not too concernedabout the current situation and i believe Huawei will be able to come up with asolution given their strong roots in the technology sector. I will stillrecommend a Huawei phone to my friends because of its quality especially whenit comes to the camera and battery performance."
Echoing this, Mr. Joe Lum, age 46, said, "I've been using manyother phones before but nothing quite captures the great photo quality like theHuawei phone does. I would still buy the phone in a heartbeat because itscameras are amazing for a photography enthusiast like myself."
"Photography is one thing, but for me I have always wanted a phonefor usability and the Huawei P20 Pro has the best of everything," commented Ms.Wen Qi. "My friends and I have the same phone and we plan on keeping our phonesbecause it still works great. Huawei is such a big company and I am sure theywill be able to overcome any challenges they face."
The company is dedicated to create meaningful products andtechnologies whilst putting customers at the centre of its business. In 2018,Huawei invested 14.1% of its sales revenue (CNY101.5 billion) in R&D,ranking fifth globally in the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard.
More than just a brand name; values of resilience and tenacitydisplayed by Huawei gain respect among customers
Starting out with humble beginnings as a producer of phoneswitches since 1987, to building telecommunication networks and consumerelectronics, Huawei has made big strides over the years in growing its customerbase with over 55 million smartphones sold globally in the firstquarter, cementing its position as the second largestsmartphone vendor in the world.
Whilst many gravitate towards the brand for its outstandingofferings, some had more to say about the brand that go beyond functionalitiesand product.
"I trust Huawei and their products. As an international company,they will do what's best for a consumer. For a brand that has grown so fast, itis a force to be reckoned with," said Mr. Wilson Ng. "Personally, I respect thebrand being able to withstand the challenges and hardships that they've beenput through with such humility and grace."
Ms. See Ying, age 23, who is a first-time user of Huawei with theP30 Pro, feels that there are plenty of opportunities ahead for the brand."There is a famous quote that goes 'in the midst of chaos, there is alsoopportunity'. I have faith that Huawei will always be able to continue makinginnovative products in any circumstances as it is such a resilient and strongcompany."
A long-time supporter, Mr. Daniel Lim, age 31, said, "There are noother phones that are in the same league as Huawei given its solid hardware.Its innovations are driven by the company's relentless attitude and I believethat it's a brand that is here to stay no matter the ongoing challenges."
In Singapore, Huawei has doubled its growth year-on-year and isexpanding its services including ServiceDay that is held on the first weekend of every month to provideafter-sales care for a growing customer base.
"The backbone of our success over the years has always been ourcustomers who support the brand and believe in the innovations we offer," aspokesperson from Huawei Consumer Business Group Singapore said. "We'll like tothank all our supporters for believing in us. We would have never been able tocome this far without the support of our customers."
For more information, please visit: https://consumer.huawei.com/sg/and https://www.huawei.com/en/facts.
Notes to editors:
Huawei's products and services areavailable in more than 170 countries, and are used by a third of the world'spopulation. Sixteen R&D centers have been set up in the United States,Germany, Sweden, Russia, India and China. Huawei Consumer BG is one of Huawei'sthree business units and covers smartphones, PC and tablets, wearables andcloud services, etc. Huawei's global network is built on almost 30 years ofexpertise in the telecom industry and is dedicated to delivering the latesttechnological advances to consumers around the world.
For more information please visit: https://consumer.huawei.com/sg/ or find us @huaweimobilesg on socialmedia.