SEOUL, KOREA - Media OutReach - 21 February2019 - 2018 was a big year for KPop, and with a new global recordof 5.3 billion Tweets last year, Twitter continues to show that it's the bestplace to find out what's happening with KPop and to talk about it with KPopfans around the world!
Here are the top 20 countries (listed by regionand in alphabetical order) that Tweeted the most about KPop in 2018:
Twitter also collaborated with 34 KPop bands andover 200 artistes to create KPop content available exclusively on the platform,such as with BTS (@BTS_twt), EXO (@weareoneEXO) and GOT7 (@GOT7Official). Through a variety of engagements such as liveQ&A sessions via the #TwitterBlueroom, fun emojis created for album comebacks, andeven special voting on the platform, Twitter has strengthened its position asthe top conversation platform for the global KPop community. In particular, #TwitterBlueroom broadcasts have been viewed over 10 milliontimes in 2018.
These pieces of content also providedadvertisers with an opportunity to reach out to the young and highly engagedKPop fans on a global scale. As such, Twitter extended its In-Stream Video Ads(IVA) capabilities to KPop content. In-Stream Videos Sponsorships (IVS) wasalso introduced, allowing brands to insert pre-roll ads into video highlightsof KPop #TwitterBlueroom.
#2018MAMA (Mnet Asian Music Awards) - 56 millionTweets in just three days!
Over the course of three days leading up the #2018MAMA Awards from 12 to 15 December last year, KPopfans interacted with each other on Twitter and set a new record of 56 millionaward-related Tweets, surpassing the 42 million award-related Tweets in 2017!
Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/MnetMAMA/status/1072896310318063616
The Twitter's exclusive 'Worldwide Icon ofthe Year' award got fans voting for their favourite bands and artistson the platform, accumulating up to 13.3 million Tweets in just three hours!Fans used the hashtag #MAMAVOTE, which trended worldwide, ranking #1 in 44countries.
BTS (@BTS_twt) is the Most Tweeted account in the world
2018 was BTS' year, and it showed on Twitter.BTS was ranked as the #1 most Tweeted about account for 2018 worldwide. A Tweetfeaturing BTS member J-Hope participating in the #InMyFeelingsChallenge was the Most Liked Tweet worldwide last yearwith 1.8 million Likes.
Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/TwitterData/status/1070272742849687553
Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/BTS_twt/status/1021325648659296256
The impact of BTS has also been recognised incorporate advertising. In order to promote their new smartphone, LG Electronics(@LGElectronics) launched an official Twitter channel called LGxBTS(@LGMobileGlobal), sharing video clips of BTS at awardceremonies such as the 2018 Billboard Music Awards, paired with In-Stream VideoAds. The pre-roll ads featured in the clips garnered 20 million views and 8.7million engagements, making headlines on Twitter.
BreakingRecords - EXO (@weareoneEXO)'s #TwitterBlueroom watched by 1.6 million people live!
In November, KPop boygroup EXO (@weareoneEXO) garnered huge attention by generating morethan 24 million Tweets through the hashtag #EXO_Tempo, in anticipation for their comeback album,"Don't Mess Up My Tempo".
Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/weareoneEXO/status/1057905997350547463
Twitter and EXO alsocollaborated for a surprise #TwitterBlueroom Live Q&A prior to their comeback. As manyas 1.6 million EXO-L tuned in, making it the highest number of real-time viewsever for a live KPop #TwitterBlueroom.
Twitter's'Instant Unlock' for exclusive GOT7 (@GOT7Official) video content
Fans of KPop boy bandGOT7 (@GOT7Official) were in for a treat when they announced thattheir fans were able to view a series of behind-the-scenes production videos onTwitter related to their third studio album, Present: YOU, exclusivelyavailable through an instant unlock feature when they Tweeted with the #Lullaby hashtag. There were 2.4 million related Tweetsover the 10 day campaign in October 2018.
Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/GOT7Official/status/1056054067963645952
2019will be another great year for #KpopTwitter!
We are already excitedwith the amazing global events lined up for #KpopTwitter in 2019, such as the annual #SoompiAwards, #KCON, #2019MAMA and even more KPop artists in the #TwitterBlueroom! Conversations about KPop will continue togrow on Twitter.
Aside from albumcomebacks, there will be discussion around concerts, world tours and fanmeetings. Fans will also take to the platform to congratulate their favouriteidols directly on special occasions such as debut anniversaries, birthdaycelebrations and more.
Which KPop artist do youwant to see for #TwitterBlueroom in 2019? Tweet with #WhosNext4TwitterBlueroom with @ArtistID! (for example, @OfficialMonstaX) to decide!
Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/TwitterKorea/status/1097887242423390210
Embeddable Tweet: https://twitter.com/TwitterKorea/status/1085780702962962432
Join the #KpopTwitter conversation today and every day to see andtalk about your favourite artists with other KPop fans around the world!
Twitter, Inc. (NYSE: TWTR) is what's happeningin the world and what people are talking about right now. On Twitter, livecomes to life as conversations unfold, showing you all sides of the story. Frombreaking news and entertainment to sports, politics and everyday interests,when things happen in the world, they happen first on Twitter. Twitter isavailable in more than 40 languages around the world. The service can beaccessed at twitter.com, on a variety of mobile devices and via SMS.For more information, visit about.twitter.com or follow @TwitterKorea. For information on how to download the Twitterand Periscope apps, visit twitter.com/download and periscope.tv.