DUBLIN, IRELAND - Media OutReach - February 21, 2019 - Fremont Capital iscurrently one of Europe's most popular asset managers. This is particularly dueto the company's location advantage in Ireland. Fremont Capital can offer itscustomers attractive deals on fixed-term deposits, with interest rates that areoften significantly higher than those in Germany.
As an asset manager, Fremont Capitalstands for stability, security and growth. This stability stems from many yearsof experience, high customer satisfaction and simple, accessible procedures.Investors can also profit from a great deal of flexibility and both trend- andtime-oriented action.
When it comes to investments,customers care about security. This is an area in which Fremont Capital canshow its strengths, as fixed-term deposit offers include a state depositinsurance. As an asset manager, the company follows EU standard guidelines, ofwhich 20,000 established customers are convinced. And it's not only customersthat are convinced: A 2018 Extel study questioned investment professionals onwhich investment companies they consider to be the most successful -- andFremont Capital was ranked first place among leading asset managers for stocktrading and fixed-term deposits in Europe.
In terms of security, Ireland has aspecial standing, as deposit protection not only covers up to 100,000 euros,but up to 500,000 euros per customer. Fremont Capital currently manages around32 billion dollars of capital, which proves that many wealthy clients trustthis asset manager.
The third pillar at Fremont Capitalconcerns growth. Growth is generated in part due to early participation inpromising companies, which frequently leads to excellent returns for customers.Fremont Capital often begins investing in innovative and promising IPOs fromthe very first financing phase.
Fremont Capital can supply the rightinvestments both for conservative and growth-oriented customers, as the companycombines "finest investment banking" with traditional "private banking".Customers can profit from fixed-term deposit accounts and from a profitableshare package. Investors can rest assured that Fremont Capital will invest incompanies that show potential, such as Uber or AirBnB -- which are both likelyto be listed on the stock market sometime this year.
Cross reference: Picture is available at AP Images (https://www.apimages.com)