ABACA member CEZEX becomes Asia’s First Digital Asset Exchange for Currency, Asset-Backed Security Tokens and Derivatives

January 14, 2019 - 09:36
ABACA member CEZEX becomes Asia’s First Digital Asset Exchange for Currency, Asset-Backed Security Tokens and Derivatives

CEZEX, regulated by Cagayan Economic Zone Exchange, to launch by 28 January 2019


SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 14 January2019 - Asia Blockchain and Crypto Association ("ABACA")is pleased to announce the launch of CEZEX, Asia's first security token tradingplatform, by 28 January 2019.

CEZEX, the first licensed overseas virtual currency exchange to launchout of Philippines' Cagayan Economic Zone Authority ("CEZA"), will allow usersto trade fiat and crypto currencies, security tokens backed by assets such asstocks, bonds, commodities and real estate, and derivatives including CFD and commodities.

CEZEX, one of the first members of ABACA, is a licensed Offshore VirtualCurrency Exchange and Asset-Backed Securities Token Exchange ("OVCE"),regulated and licensed by CEZA, a government owned and controlled corporationset up in 1995 to manage and supervise the development of the Cagayan SpecialEconomic Zone and Freeport (CSEZFP).

"CEZA has since initiated several projects to promote developmentin the CSEZFP - including the development of the Crypto Valley of Asia("CVA"), a development by Northern Star Gaming & Resorts Inc("Northern Star") and Falcon Gain, a property development consortiumled by Mr Enrique Gonzalez and Mr. JJ Atencio, to bring economic growth toNorthern Luzon."

CVA aims to be home to a new wave of financial technology companiesestablishing their operations in the CSEZFP. CVA expects to secure investmentsvalued at US$100m over the next 10 years.

CEZA has appointed ABACA as the first Self-Regulatory Organisation("SRO"). As an SRO, ABACA will make and enforce its own rules amongits members or associated persons. CEZA, however, will remain the overallregulator.

CEZEX will offer a licensed, regulated platform for trading multipletraditional asset classes represented by a digital asset with fiat/cryptocurrency pairing trading which include currencies, security tokens andderivatives. As a fully-licensed digital assets exchange, CEZEX providescompanies with a cheaper, faster, easier and shorter listing process whilegiving users and traders access to a wider variety of trading products underone platform all in a fully regulated, licensed environment.

Mr Enrique Gonzalez, Vice Chairman of ABACA said "The upcominglaunch of CEZEX is a significant milestone, not just for CEZEX, but also forCEZA and ABACA as CEZEX is the first licensed Offshore Virtual CurrencyExchange and Asset- Backed Securities Token Exchange under therecently-announced CEZA -SRO rules and regulations governing OVCE operators.


We are pleased to launch our first OVCE operatorout of CEZA. CEZEX is backed by Pinnacle Digital a digital assets exchangeoperator, and consultancy firm, IPE Global Pte Ltd. a Singapore based financialtechnology investment firm; the Phnom Penh Derivatives Exchange and SB KaikakuFund a venture capital fund affiliated with Softbank. This strong backing makesCEZEX one of the more renowned exchange players in the region."

"The success of this launch, will advance Asia's blockchain and cryptosector and attract more companies and start-ups to follow suit. We want toexpand our portfolio of cutting-edge innovative companies and realise the collectivemission of CEZA, CVA and ABACA to attract blockchain and fintech companies tobolster Philippines' position as a global fintech and blockchain hub", headded.

"We are impressed with the technical capability of the CEZEX Group andheartily congratulate them on being the first to be fully integrated in thepioneering Government Regulated Audit Platform For Crypto and FintechIndustries. We welcome their recognition of CEZA and the Philippines as aprogressive jurisdiction for Fintech industries and the greater benefit forAsia of Financial Inclusion. We eagerly await their official Launch and therealization of the strong legal basis the Cagayan Economic Zone provides forits investors" said Mr Mel Songco, Chief Operating Officer of Y-Fi Business Solutions.

CEZEX will collaborate with a maximum of four sponsors/nominatedadvisors supported by CEZA to introduce and list security tokens and digitalassets. Inbase Partners Limited, one of the sponsors/nominated advisors, are inposition to work on the initial listing of products on the platform.

Mr Stephen Lynch, Inbase Partners' Managing Partner, said "Theblockchain smart contract model will revolutionise both corporate finance andthe financial services industry as it will bring advantages such as assetinteroperability, with different types of assets represented by the same mediumin the form of security tokens, which are traded on the same platform as wellas automated compliance and rapid settlement, fractional ownership,round-the-clock trading and increased liquidity. "

He added, "Previously traditionally illiquid assets classes such as realestate, fine art, and early stage venture capital equity may now be tokenisedand even further fractionalised to access earlier liquidity events".

Jack Ser, CEO of CEZEX, said, "CEZEX functions in the same manner as atraditional exchange, where sponsors introduce listings, broker/dealersintroduce customers, market makers and custodians support the activities of theexchange. CEZEX has built an ecosystem with a broker/dealer network throughoutthe Asian region and is expanding to enable fully regulated and complianttrading. "

He added, "CEZEX adheres to the highest levels of KYC and AML compliancein a fully regulated environment to be able to offer digital asset trading forcurrencies (fiat/ cryptocurrency), security tokens and a very uniquederivatives product."


Asia blockchain & Crypto Association ("ABACA") is aself-regulatory organization (SRO) granted under the authority of the Cagayan EconomicZone Authority (CEZA). ABACA self-regulates the code of ethics and compliancewith best practices and industry standards for the financial technology firmsoperating within, or in affiliation with CEZA and ABACA members.


CEZEX is Asia's first fully regulated and licensed digital assetstrading exchange for multiple asset classes including currencies, securitiesand derivatives. With a focus on unique derivative products, CEZEX is also aplatform for listing security tokens. CEZEX's ecosystem features fully licensednominated advisors/sponsors; broker/dealers; market makers and custodiansenabling the environment required for institutionally compliant trading.


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