SHKP Executive Director and SUNeVision Vice Chairman Allen Fung, SHKP Chairman & Managing Director and SUNeVision Chairman Raymond Kwok, Deputy Financial Secretary Michael Wong and SHKP Executive Director and SUNeVision Non-Executive Director Christopher Kwok officiate the initiation ceremony of MEGA IDC Phase Two.)

SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - November 1, 2018 - Infor, a globalleader in business cloud software for Enterprise and SMB companies, todayannounced its collaboration with Nanyang Polytechnic's (NYP) School of BusinessManagement for the Infor Education Alliance Programme (EAP). Infor EAP is aglobal initiative that helps educational institutions develop the technologicalskillsets of students to fully embrace the growing digital economy.
The programme provides partner institutions with free access to innovativecloud technologies and learning platforms, empowering millennials to becloud-ready and have a stronger understanding of next-generation digitaltechnologies.
"By partnering Infor to expose our students to the latest industry softwareand real-world applications, we provide an avenue for them to be betterequipped with the skills and knowledge that are relevant to the needs of thedigital workforce. We also have plans to roll this out at a later stage toadult learners doing Continuing Education and Training courses with us," saidEsther Ho, Director, School of Business Management, Nanyang Polytechnic. "Alongwith Infor's sponsorship of student competitions to promote contextualisedlearning, this collaboration provides our students an excellent platform toapply their classroom knowledge to solve real-world business challenges".
As of 2018, the programme has trained more than 3,000 students to date inAsia Pacific and is growing across the region, with universities participatingin China, South Korea, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines.Through the Infor and Nanyang Polytechnic collaboration, students will gainhands-on cloud software experience using Infor CloudSuite Industrial, InforFactory Track and Infor CloudSuite Human Capital Management in theircoursework.
"We believe that innovative companies will need a workforce that has thejob preparedness to support digital transformation in this ever-changingdynamic landscape. For a regional hub like Singapore, this means we need totake the responsibility to invest in the future of this country and empowermillennials and educational institutions with the right set of critical skillsand tools needed in the digital economy," said Wesley Kowalski, Head of ASEAN,Infor. "We are pleased to support NYP's mission to nurture empowered learnersfor work and life through practice-oriented and multi-disciplinarycollaboration between industry and academia."
About Infor
Infordevelops business cloud software for Enterprise and SMB companies globally. With17,000 employees and over 68,000 customers in more than 170 countries, Inforsoftware is designed for progress. To learn more, please visit
About NanyangPolytechnic
Established as an institutionof higher learning in 1992, Nanyang Polytechnic's (NYP) seven academic schoolsoffer quality education and training through more than 40 full-time diplomacourses. NYP also has a full suite of continuing education (CET) options forlifelong learning, ranging from specialist and advanced diplomas toSkillsFuture modules and courses. NYP's Asian Culinary Institute and theSingapore Institute of Retail Studies are CET institutes set up in partnershipwith SkillsFuture Singapore to champion and transform Singapore's F&B andretail sectors respectively.
Through its strong network of industry connections, NYP empowers learners forwork and life through relevant curricula and deep capabilities. NYP strives tobe the innovative polytechnic, creating a nexus of future-ready learners, readyto take on new challenges and contribute to growth and sustainability. For moreinformation, visit