TOKYO, JAPAN / PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA - MediaOutReach - 31October 2018 - TheAsian Productivity Organization (APO) has announced that it is working toassist the Royal Government of Cambodia in developing a National ProductivityMaster Plan to drive long-term productivity gains in the country. Theconsultancy project is being executed under the newly launched SpecificNational Program (SNP) of the APO and conducted in collaboration with theNational Productivity Centre of Cambodia (NPCC).
As part of the initiative, the APO isconducting an in-country diagnostic exercise, including situational analysis toidentify key issues and levers among internal and external factors affectingproductivity at the national and industry levels. The outcome will enable theAPO assigned-experts to draft preliminary policy recommendations.
The National Productivity Master Plan willbe developed based on the findings and proposed recommendations as well asother relevant inputs, including a review of the current situation, overallobjectives and goals, and strategies for the future. The proposed plan will bepresented to the NPCC and relevant authorities for further action and adoptionby the country.
Sharing details of the initiative,Secretary-General Dr. Santhi Kanoktanaporn stated, "Theinitiative to develop the master plan for Cambodia is intended to boost thecountry's productivity by improving the regulatory framework as well asensuring optimal mechanisms for the national productivity movement whilealigning the effort with the country's development goals in the long run. TheAPO has been working to increase the institutional capacity of member countriesto become more productive, including helping them identify requirements from amacro perspective with long-term objectives."
Dr. Santhi highlighted that the SNPproject aimed to assist targeted APO member economies meet the prerequisitesfor sustaining productivity improvement and ultimately create a well-functioninginstitutional framework to increase national productivity. The APO expects topresent the productivity master plan to policymakers by mid-December 2018.
Noteto Editors
The Specific National Program was recentlylaunched by the APO to drive the national productivity movements of membercountries by helping them improve regulatory and policy frameworks in areasrelated to productivity enhancement.
Under the program, the APO provides customizedtechnical and consultancy services to national productivity organizations ortheir partners in implementing projects addressing the specific needs andexpectations of member countries to enhance productivity and competitiveness.It also supports member countries in advancing national productivity agendasand implementing key interventions to achieve national productivity goalsaligned with the overarching APO Vision 2020 objectives.
Aboutthe APO (www.apo-tokyo.org)
The Asian Productivity Organization (APO)is an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in theAsia-Pacific region. Established in 1961, the APO contributes to thesustainable socioeconomic development of the region through policy advisoryservices, acting as a think tank, and undertaking smart initiatives in theindustry, agriculture, service, and public sectors.
The APO is shaping the future of theregion by assisting member economies in formulating national strategies forenhanced productivity and through a range of institutional capacity-buildingefforts, including research and centers of excellence in member countries.
APOMembers: Bangladesh,Cambodia, Republic of China, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, IslamicRepublic of Iran, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal,Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.