and Dr. Amir Ali Salemi, Founder and CEO of JTA Investment Qatar, at the MOU signing ceremony.)

KUALALUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach - 19AUGUST 2019 - Invinity Group Berhad (Invinity) today inaugurated its very first corporatesocial responsibility (CSR) programme, the Youth Tech Talk Series. This CSRinitiative by Invinity aims to introduceschool or college students to the tech industry by providing them with some knowledgeof Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as workshops on basic multimedia andprogramming skills in a professional environment.
This first programme of InvinityYouth Tech Talk Series was held in collaboration with WORQ, a productive co-workingcommunity, where freelancers, entrepreneurs and SMEs converge and work underone roof. More than 40 students from Serendah National Skills DevelopmentCentre (Pusat Perkembangan Kemahiran Kebangsaan Serendah, PPKKS), which is registeredunder the Department of Societal Welfare Malaysia (Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat),were invited to participate in this inaugural series at WORQ.
Speaking at the event, Mr. JeremyMah, the Executive Director of Invinity, said, "This Youth Tech Talk Series isorganised in line with our vision to inculcate the passion for innovations intechnology among the youth. We hope that by giving the insight to ArtificialIntelligence (AI) and a hands-on experience on some basic multimedia as well asprogramming skills, we would motivate thestudents of PPKKS to continue exploring the field of technological innovations."
"Youth Tech Talk Series serves asInvinity's long-term initiative to instilling the culture of technological innovationamong the youth and empowering their technological knowledge. Through this interactiveseries today, we believe the students have gained valuable knowledge on AI and learntbasic skills that might come in handy should they decide to embark in the fieldof multimedia or programming in the future," added Mr. Jeremy Mah.
With the success of this inauguralprogramme, Invinity Youth Tech Talk Series will continue to empower theknowledge of technology innovations for other selected schools and colleges. Formore information on Invinity visit www.invinitygroup.com.
InvinityGroup Berhad (Invinity) is a fintech company specialising in financial andoperational solutions with Artificial Intelligence capabilities. The companyaims to help individuals or corporate organisations achieve sustainable growththrough its AI-enabled solutions. As a fast-growing Fintech, Invinity believesin innovating solutions that will add value and cater to their customers'progressive needs through its subsidiaries of IT and Business Solutions, AssetManagement, Consulting and Ventures.