
Hotel market to recover next year

The hotel market in Việt Nam this year is expected to face a severe decline in room occupancy due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will not recover until next year, industry experts have said.


Industrial park developers immune to Covid-19

Industrial park infrastructure development companies continue to do well amid the Covid-19 pandemic, and the industrial property sector is expected to thrive since Việt Nam is considered among the most attractive investment destinations post the pandemic.


Banks aid 318,000 COVID-19 affected borrowers

Commercial banks cut interest rates on VNĐ980 trillion (US$42.6 billion) of loans to support 318,000 COVID-19 affected individual and corporate borrowers by the end of April, the latest data from the State Bank of Việt Nam (SBV) showed.

Việt Nam imports pigs from Thailand

Việt Nam has imported 250 pigs from Thailand to breed and is encouraging businesses to import more to help restock herds across the country after the impacts of the African swine fever outbreak.

