Social sciences academy aims to become a regional-level research centre

May 17, 2024 - 14:51
There must be a training strategy to enhance scientific capabilities, adapt to new realities in Việt Nam's socio-economic development and engage in international exchange and integration to elevate the position of the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences in the future.
Nguyễn Đức Minh, Vice President of the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences delivers his speech at a seminar in Hà Nội on Friday morning.— VNA/VNS Photo Thanh Hương

HÀ NỘI — The Việt Nam Academy of Social Sciences should bolster international collaboration in the fields of research and education to achieve breakthroughs and become a key research centre on par with other leading countries.

Associate Professor, Nguyễn Tài Đông, from the Institute of Philosophy, told a scientific seminar titled 'Development Solutions for the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences' that the country could become a key research centre comparable to those in other advanced countries.

At the seminar on Friday morning in Hà Nội, Đông said the academy needed to encourage international organisations, foreign experts and scientists to engage in research, teaching and learning activities in Việt Nam.

Additionally, there must be a training strategy to enhance scientific capabilities, adapt to new realities in Việt Nam's socio-economic development and engage in international exchange and integration to elevate the position of the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences in the future.

The seminar was organised to celebrate the Vietnamese Science and Technology Day (May 18, 1963 - May 18, 2023).

Speaking at the event, Nguyễn Đức Minh, Vice President of the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, said that the institute's primary goals were to research fundamental issues in social sciences; provide scientific recommendations for the Party and the State in formulating directions, strategies, planning and policies for the rapid and sustainable development of the country; advise on development policies in the field of social sciences and train high level people in accordance with the law.

Minh added that in order to become a key research centre on par with others in advanced countries, the institute needed to enhance the quality of high-level human resource training, nurture talent in higher education institutions and research facilities, identify key research areas and prioritise research in the fields of science, technology and innovation.

Minh urged scientists, officials and employees of the institute that they needed to continue to ignite a passion for scientific research and maintain and enhance the institute's position in the national scientific research endeavour.

Nguyễn Cao Đức, from the Institute of Americas Studies, said that it was necessary to focus on improving the quality of basic research to increase the number of scientific publications meeting international standards.

One suggestion was to create open and flexible mechanisms to attract and recruit talents in the field of social sciences in order to build a team of leading experts in the field of humanities and social sciences.

At the event the academy also honoured and commended units and individuals who made outstanding contributions to scientific and technological activities in 2023.— VNS
