HCM City urges private sector to invest in geriatric care

May 14, 2022 - 09:28

The private sector has an opportunity to build geriatric care facilities that provide good care for elderly people, given rising demand for such services, HCM City officials say.

Young volunteers visit the Thị Nghè Nursing Home for seniors in HCM City. — VNA/VNS Photo Hồng Giang

HCM CITY — The private sector has an opportunity to build geriatric care facilities that provide good care for elderly people, given rising demand for such services, HCM City officials say.

According to the municipal Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the need for nursing homes for the elderly will continue rising because of the nation’s rapidly ageing population.

In Việt Nam, people above 60 years old accounted for over 12 per cent of the total population in 2020; and this is expected to rise to 20 per cent by 2038.

The city now has 20 nursing homes, including eight public facilities looking after 1,555 elderly people, and 12 private ones taking care of 1,138 people.

Nguyễn Văn Lâm, the department’s deputy director, said at a press meeting on Thursday that encouraging private investment in geriatric care was a necessity.

Private nursing homes offer better care for elderly people, and this can include short-term care for those in need, Lâm said.

He said the department has worked with three businesses to expedite processing of licences to establish nursing homes providing geriatric care.

Lâm said the department has also been working with relevant agencies to provide guidelines for businesses on establishing geriatric care facilities in the city and cooperate with the government in providing better care for the elderly. — VNS
