PM wants new laws implemented effectively

July 31, 2024 - 07:48
Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính directed that, in the near future, plans for implementing laws and NA resolutions must be urgently presented to the Prime Minister for approval, with resources allocated and conditions prepared.
Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính delivers a speech at the hybrid conference on implementing several laws and resolutions of the 15th NA on Tuesday. VNA/VNS Photo Dương Giang

HÀ NỘI — Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has required ministries, sectors and localities to implement laws and National Assembly (NA) resolutions based on five principles to ensure that the law truly impacts daily life.

This include accelerating the progress and quality of law drafting according to the established schedule, intensifying efforts to address difficulties and obstacles in legal building, enhancing the review, systematisation of laws, strengthening mechanisms for assigning and coordinating tasks between agencies in law-making and enforcement and promoting legal education and dissemination.

He made this request while chairing a hybrid conference on implementing several laws and resolutions of the 15th NA on Tuesday. The conference, co-organised by the Government and the NA Standing Committee, was connected with all 63 localities nationwide.

During the 7th session of the 15th NA, 11 laws and 21 resolutions were passed, with initial opinions provided on 11 draft laws and several important reports were reviewed, many of which were presented by the Government.

The conference discussed preparations and the implementation of the law and ordinance building programme for 2025 and an amended version for 2024, the Party Central Committee’s regulations on anti-corruption and combating negativity in legal building, and some other laws.

The conference highlighted new points, key contents, requirements and main tasks to bring newly issued laws and resolutions into practice and to coordinate between law-making and enforcement.

At the conference, PM Chính stated that developing and perfecting the institutional framework was one of the three strategic breakthroughs and major policies of the Party aimed at building a socialist rule-of-law state. A suitable institutional framework would effectively meet the demands for accelerated industrialisation, modernisation and international integration.

In this spirit, the Prime Minister outlined five key factors for the rapid and sustainable development of the country. It included establishing a legal basis to foster and develop the capabilities of various entities, creating mechanisms and policies to mobilise and allocate all resources and establishing a fair, transparent, effective, and appropriate environment that harmonises interests among entities in each sector. It must also develop a suitable legal framework for effective international integration and create effective mechanisms to address and prevent risks and negative impacts.

He highlighted that the Government had coordinated with the NA Standing Committee and relevant agencies to address all difficulties and challenges and to urgently implement laws and resolutions. The Government was focusing on directing ministries, sectors and localities to accelerate the drafting and issuance of detailed regulations for implementing laws and resolutions.

In particular, the Government issued Decree No 56/2024/NĐ-CP amending and supplementing several provisions of Decree No 55/2011/NĐ-CP, which regulates the functions, tasks, powers and organisational structure of legal institutions.

PM Chính also mentioned several issues and limitations in developing and perfecting institutions and laws, such as challenges in issuing and implementing laws, delays in providing detailed regulations and shortcomings in legal dissemination.

The Prime Minister directed that, in the near future, plans for implementing laws and NA resolutions must be urgently presented to the Prime Minister for approval, with resources already allocated and conditions prepared.

The head of the Government emphasised the need to enhance the dissemination and introduction of policies, contents of laws, resolutions to ensure that agencies, organisations, citizens and businesses fully and accurately comprehend them.

Ministries, sectors and localities must proactively review and address any emerging issues or shortcomings, particularly those related to administrative procedures, ensuring that no additional burdens or costs are imposed on citizens and businesses.

Provinces and cities should take the initiative to develop plans for implementing laws and resolutions and report or propose solutions for any issues encountered, he added. — VNS
