
Stronger together, say Canadian diplomats

As a long-standing ASEAN Dialogue Partner, Canada believes that we are stronger together and that Việt Nam’s Chairmanship theme 'Cohesive and Responsive' is more relevant than ever in light of the pandemic.

International co-operation and solidarity vital to addressing any global crisis

We all entered the new year with ambitious plans and hopes, as it marks the beginning of a new decade. This year, Việt Nam is assuming a dual role as the Chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and a non-permanent member of the United National Security Council (UNSC). Norway is going to celebrate the fifth anniversary of our sectoral dialogue partnership with ASEAN and is seeking a seat on the UNSC 2021-22. Then suddenly appeared the coronavirus.


Epidemic of rumours breaks out amid COVID-19 crisis

While the Vietnamese Government has taken measures to control the spread of the virus and doctors and nurses are working around the clock in quarantined areas, online fake news and rumours have been raising fear in society, harming community’s health and distorting public understanding.


Catalysing change for gender equality

Great strides have been taken to empower women and girls in the Asia-Pacific region since the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing adopted an ambitious global agenda to achieve gender equality twenty-five years ago.

Police officers must be the first to obey law

The violent behaviour of one or two individuals, like Hiền and Việt, does not represent the whole police force. But obviously, again, these cases affect the image of the police in the public eye, for which so amount of sacrifice, or even blood, can ever repair.

Economic factors behind most VN illegal migrants: expert

Following the tragic lorry deaths in Essex, some 28 families from central provinces of Nghệ An and Hà Tĩnh have reported to local authorities that they are no longer in contact with relatives who were supposed to be en route to the UK. Mark Brown, the officer in charge of International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Việt Nam, talks exclusively to Việt Nam News reporter Khoa Thư about illegal smuggling in the country and what the government can do to prevent similar cases.


All children deserve an education

Photos of a simple school opening ceremony in the remote Tắk Pổ Village in the mountainous Nam Trà My District of central province of Quảng Nam went viral in recent days
