Rạng Đông fire: when the authorities lost control of the narrative

Thanh Xuân District should spend more time ensuring the well-being of the people, not who is authorised or not authorised to make a call – it’s simply not appropriate, especially when people are getting tired of the bureaucracy that is often decried for sluggishness and lacking compassion.

More responsibility needed for the safety of kids

Frustration, pain, heartache and above all else, anger. Just a few of many emotions people are feel right about now after hearing the tragic news a six-year-old boy died after he was left on a school bus in Hà Nội on Tuesday.


Trash hurts cash:  Environmental issues threaten economy

Stepping out of their doors into the scorching heat last week, Hanoians choked on the foul smell of piles of trash left on the streets. The usual destination for Hà Nội’s rubbish, Nam Sơn Waste Treatment Complex, had been blocked by local residents, preventing garbage trucks from entering the site.


Invest now to limit destruction from wildfires

On the morning of June 28, Phan Đình Thành from Nghi Sơn District in central Hà Tĩnh Province bought groceries and a lighter to smoke some cigarettes. Later that afternoon, he gathered dried leaves in a trash pit in his garden and lit them on fire. The wind rapidly spread the fire to the nearby forest in Hồng Lĩnh Mountain.

Tourism is more about the people

My family usually stay at just one hotel when we go to Da Nang City. The reason is very simple: my kid loves the fact that the receptionist at the hotel would always offer her some candy whenever we stay there.

Drink driving a scourge that must be smote

I hate that once many Vietnamese men sit down for a drink with friends, they are forced to down their drinks to show their “respect” to their drinking buddies or to show that they are “true men”

Nostalgia is more than just a good feeling

The Đà Lạt I know is the city of thousands of pine trees, the city of fog, an ideal hideaway from the hustle and bustle city life – who would like to come to Đà Lạt if it’s a copy of Hồ Chí Minh City?


Peace or not, Việt Nam plays perfect host

The second round of talks between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended early, with both sides unable to make concrete progress on denuclearisation. A definitive peace deal was just out of reach for the former adversaries. However, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the meaning of this diplomatic event for Việt Nam as host.


Better links with FDI firms can aid local businesses

Việt Nam is one of the most open economies in the world. Trade-led development has contributed to rapid growth, job creation and poverty reduction, helping the country achieve GDP growth of 7.1 per cent in 2018. But linkages between foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic enterprises are weak and may erode further unless Việt Nam puts the right policies in place to strengthen the competitiveness of domestic enterprises.


When inaction causes fatal accidents

Somehow the most basic rule of driving is being ignored. Despite thousands of warnings, drunk and drugged drivers still risk theirs and other’s lives on the roads daily. Public health messaging about the dangers of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs is falling on deaf ears.


Evil triumphs when decent people stay silent

Đinh Bằng My, 57 years old, principal of Thanh Sơn District’s secondary boarding school for ethnic minority students in northern Phú Thọ Province, was allegedly reported to have molested dozens of male students in his office. The horrific truth would have been a secret forever without the involvement of the media.
