MANILA, PHILIPPINES- Media OutReach - 10 February 2021 - Professional recruitment services, Michael Page Philippines launchedthe Talent Trends 2021 Report, with akeen eye on the Filipino job market. Data fromthe study suggests a growing optimism with 35% of companies in the Philippines lookingto increase their headcounts and 45% maintaining status quo in 2021.
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Olly Riches, Managing Director of MichaelPage Indonesia & Philippines, says,"Weare seeing positivity increase across the board with regards to recruitment andhiring in the Philippines. While the country's e-commerce and logistics sectorsaren't as developed as other Asia Pacific markets, the traditional consumermarkets have remained robust and are assisting in the economic recovery."
Inview of the economic demands, the sectors earmarked for highest hiring activityare e-commerce, financial services, healthcare & life sciences, technology& telecommunications as well as fast moving consumer goods (FMCG).
According to the report, there is a strongdemand for technology professionals at all levels where companies have adjustedto the rapidly evolving business landscape, often bringing in external skillssets to accelerate these changes. Separately, we're seeing an increase inhiring across e-commerce particularly within fintech, logistics and consumerplatforms. "Acquiring and retaining high potential talent will be crucial to enablecompanies to build sustainable operations to position for future growth,"observes Olly Riches.
Accordingto the report, 76% of employed technology professionals in the Philippines anticipatelooking for new opportunities in 2021 while another 20% is open to new ones. Whensecuring a new position, Olly Riches advisesprofessionals, "Companies are looking for technology hires with provencapabilities via third-party assessment, as well as those with solid experienceworking on different projects."
Asa viable option to bridge skill gaps arising from their move to businessrecovery in 2021, 56% of companies in the Philippines cited their continued investment in employees byupskilling the workforce with training while 56% turned to the use ofautomation for basic processes.
Filipinoprofessionals have also been empowered with the wealth of information availableto them when considering a new job offer. 1 in 3 of the study's respondentsclaimed they did extensive research on the company before applying for a job.