TAIPEI, TAIWAN- Media Outreach - 21 December 2020 - Thefriendly interaction between humans and the environment is even more important asthe COVID-19 is spreading globally. Consideringthe health of general public and the rising trend of green circular economy, Alliance MaterialsTechnology Corp. Ltd. established in 2018,focuses primarily on the research development and production of formaldehyde-freeand nontoxic eco-friendly biomaterials.
Ecohere™ NAF Adhesive Mixing
Aspublicly announced by the WHO, formaldehyde is classified as Group 1 carcinogenthat is commonly found in traditional adhesives usually used in construction. AllianceMaterials finally developed a safe and nontoxic Ecohere™ NAF Adhesiveafter numerous experiments. The Ecohere™ NAF Adhesive usescellulose as raw material as it is easy to obtain and widely available innature. Comparing with the existing soy-based NAF adhesive, the raw materialhas no conflict with the general public over food resources. This product hadalready obtained patents from Taiwan, the US, Japan and Mainland China, andcould be applied onto wooden furniture, solid wood floors and bamboo panels orother relevant wood products.
TonyChen, CEO of Alliance Materials, said "Ecohere™ NAF Adhesive usesnontoxic biomaterials as precursors to achieve formaldehyde-free status.Products and building materials that use this adhesive are able to fulfill thestrict standards of US No-added formaldehyde (NAF) and the formaldehydeemission standards for wood products of US Environmental Protection AgencyToxic Substances Control ACT (TSCA) Title Vl." In other words, the relevantwood products could be recycled and reused without any need for detoxification,achieving the goal of circular economy. The crosslink structure of the adhesivechemically bonds with the wood materials, therefore is not easily unglued. Inaddition to the strong durability of its adhesive, it also passes the mostrigid water-resistant test. When used upon curved products, there are nowarping nor delamination problems, with excellent evenness and durability,showing a perfect balance between practicality and environmental protection.
Caring for the earthmeans caring for ourselves. Non-toxic and environmentally friendly products arealready a global trend and the mission of Alliance Materials continue todevelop.