TOKYO, JAPAN - MediaOutReach - 21 December 2020 - Leading online research solution platform GMO Research,in partnership with research consultancy Easy Key 2 Asia (EK2A) and InsightXplorer Limited, has rolled out a new initiative to engage consumers inAsia. With a scientific approach, Engagement Lab provides engagement as aservice (EaaS) that aims to decode the consumer journey and generate actionableinsights, empowering brands to drive success in markets across Asia.
Withgrowing demand and pressure for consumer data privacy, there is increasedlegislation in this aspect, making it harder for businesses to access consumerdata. Frustrated with spam and excessive advertising, consumers are fighting toregain control over their digital life and retain privacy. All these haveresulted in the fragmentation of consumer data, making it harder to access and decodethe digital life of consumers.
EngagementLab seeks to address these challenges through a permission-based consumer panelwhere consumers willingly opt in and get compensated for their engagement. Thisscientific approach towards engagement involves leveraging data to decode theconsumer journey and derive actionable insights that can help drive success ineach stage of product or service development. This is a highly scalablesolution that is complementary to any existing marketing efforts and can bereplicated across multiple markets in Asia.
EngagementLab offers 4 strategic tools to help brands engage with their target audience:
1. EngagementInsights -- insights, data and reports on decoding the consumer journey
2. EngagementAdvisory -- consulting services on strategy and crisis response
3. EngagementTesting -- real time testing of concepts, messages and market movements
4. EngagementOutreach -- consumer co-created ideas and content for wider sharing
Withthe help of GMO's Asia Cloud Panel, which consists of over 36 milliononline consumer panellists across 15 APAC markets,Engagement Lab is able to leverage this scientific approach to help clientsdrive success, position for COVID-19 recovery and scale across Asia in a very shortspace of time.
TakashiIto, CGO (Chief Global Officer) of GMO Research, Inc., comments: "APAC iscertainly a diversified market that is impossible to comprehend at a glance,and it has become even more so with the impact of COVID-19. We hope thatEngagement Lab can capture people 'in the moment' and help clients engage theirtargeted audience in APAC through our lenses of insight."
"Weare excited to launch Engagement Lab where we proactively study key industryissues, understand consumer changes and the perspectives of micro-influencersfor various markets. We hope that the service will provide decision makers withtimely insights and ideas on how they can better engage customers in thisever-changing environment," says Tatt Chen, CEO of EK2A.
Wewould love the opportunity to discuss your needs. Get in touch and let usbrainstorm how we can help you succeed and grow.
GMO Research offers an online research solution platform that allowsaccess to a multi-panel and multi-country online network, Asia Cloud Panel.While constantly expanding its reach in Asia and globally, Asia Cloud Panelcurrently consists of over 36 million online consumer panellists, ranging fromconsumers to CEOs, across 15 APAC markets. GMO Research is part of and backedby GMO Internet Group, one of the largest internet conglomerates in Japan,specialising in a number of internet-related technologies. GMO Internet Groupis an Internet service industry leader, developing and operating Japan's mostwidely used domain, hosting & cloud, ecommerce, security, and paymentsolutions. TheGroup also includes the online FX trading platform, as well as onlineadvertising, Internet media, and cryptocurrency related services.
To find out more about GMO Research, visit: https://gmo-research.com