
HONG KONG SAR - MediaOutReach - 20 December 2020 - Arizona StateUniversity defeated Oregon State University by 46-33, ending their 2020 NCAAfootball regular season journey with a big victory. He Peizhang, a youngChinese player who completed a touchdown in the last game, has repeatedlyplayed with the special team to perform kickoffs. Although he did not get the opportunityto play offensively, his positive performance has also been recognized by histeammates and coaches.
Arizona State University hada bad start and gave up playing for the ball before half-court. Oregon used asuccessful wave of offenses in the third gear conversion. Wide receiver Lindseycompleted a touchdown and scored additional points. The score came to 0-7.Arizona followed closely with a very smooth offense and finally rushed the ballto equalize the score, 7-7. After the touchdown, He Peizhang played with thered shirts special team to execute the kick-off and successfully interceptedthe Oregon returner to ensure a good defensive position. In the subsequentgame, the two sides started a scoring battle like their opponents and scored 9touchdowns. In the end, with a more stable offense and the performance ofoppressing opponents to cause errors, Arizona State University won the finalvictory. In the whole game, Arizona State University advanced a total of 514yards, including 139 passing yards and 375 rushing yards. The offensiveefficiency on the road was quite high. The Oregon State team advanced 474yards, including passing 224 yards and rushing 250 yards. During the game, theofficial broadcast signal introduced He Peizhang's specific information, andthe shots were also given to the junior Chinese running back many times.Obviously, his performance has attracted people's attention.
He Peizhang is fromShaoguan, Guangdong, and his English name is Jackson. He revealed that theEnglish name Jackson was chosen because of his admiration for the late popsuperstar Michael Jackson. In 2014, at the age of 17, he moved to the UnitedStates and attended Lutheran High School (now Victory Christian High School inChula Vista, California). He Peizhang spent the first two years of his collegecareer at Jamestown University. In the first year, he participated in the NAIAproject in North Dakota and was once a red shirt. After that, he returned toChina, and while waiting for the admission notice, he played for the FoshanTiger Football Team, which also inspired his desire to return to the UnitedStates to play college football. In 2019, Peizhang He entered Arizona StateUniversity, and after communicating with running back coach Sean Aguina, he wasawarded a temporary player spot by head coach Helm Edwards. Since then, he hasbeen an important member of the Arizona State University football reserve team.
In the game against UCLA onDecember 6, Beijing time, He Peizhang, who represented Arizona State University,appeared in a jersey with a Chinese name. He also became the first Chineseplayer to board an NCAA football game. In the subsequent game against theUniversity of Arizona, He Peizhang, who came off the bench, made history again,becoming the first Chinese player to touchdown in the NCAA football field.
For this young man who hasmade history, such an excellent performance may be just the beginning. Webelieve that there will be more exciting possibilities waiting for him in thefront full of expectations, and we hope that he can bring us more surprises.