TOKYO, JAPAN - Media OutReach - 21 December 2020 - QURAS, a public blockchain project thatcan protect privacy, officially launched the main network on December 19, 2020.3 years after the project started, the blockchain rooted in practical usefinally started running.
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The QURAS project isfocused on protecting the privacy of users on the public blockchain. Publicblockchain refers to blockchain that is open on the Internet, and Bitcoin andEthereum are well known as typical ones.
Generally, it is said themerit of blockchain is high transparency. This means anyone can checktransaction information in a public environment. This is one of the obstaclesto promoting the social implementation of blockchain.
Transactions exist in theworld are generally conducted with confidentiality. However, if the blockchainis transparent, there is a risk that your transaction will be identified by athird party. From a practical point of view, it is sufficient if thosetransactions can be confirmed between the parties.
Therefore, QURAS blockchainprovides multiple privacy technologies. Service providers will be able tochoose those technologies and optimize the confidentiality of their services. TheQURAS blockchain will start from the point where the confidentiality oftransactions of digital assets called "tokens" can be secured at the beginning,and the scope will be expanded in a later update day by day.
With the operation of theQURAS main network, companies and developers who want to adopt blockchain areexpected to be able to expand the range of application of blockchain to fieldsthat could not be handled by public blockchain until today. Another feature ofthe QURAS blockchain is that it may contribute to the finances of developersthrough a mechanism in which fees are returned to service providers whentransactions become active.
Details of the QURAS blockchain canbe found on the official website below. The documents for blockchain developersare also available on the site.
▼ QURAS official website
Inaddition, the QURAS Coin (XQC) currently in circulation is scheduled to beswapped from the ERC-20 Token standard to the native Token standard. The swapwill be announced in the near future.