HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 3 November2020 - Hugill& Ip and Mother's Choiceare excited to launch a joint campaign to raise funds to benefit our community includingthe many children without families and pregnant teenagers in Hong Kong.
The #ProtectYourChildrencampaign officially kicks off on 9 November 2020. The date marks World AdoptionDay which aims to raise awareness for adoption and to support families in theadoption process. Every year ambassadors from all over the world organise aseries of events, bringing together people from all walks of life to mark #WorldAdoptionDay.
Mother's Choice celebrates AdoptionAwareness Month, hosting events and publishing materials to support families inthe Hong Kong community. This year Hugill & Ip will also participate toraise awareness about legal issues related to the protection of children.
Hugill & Ip's Estate Planning teamwill prepare temporary and/or permanent Deeds of Guardianship, on a pro-bonobasis, in exchange for direct charitable donations to Mother's Choice -- the minimumdonation is HK$4,800 and all money will go to Mother's Choice. The goal is tobenefit parents, friends or allies of Mother's Choice to prepare for theirfamilies' future arrangements and security.
While donations can only be receivedfrom 9 November to 6 December 2020, the period for taking appointments and thepreparation of Deeds of Guardianship with the Estate Planning team at Hugill& Ip will run until 30 April 2021. This is a great opportunity for everyonewho has not yet put in place or needs to update their guardianship wishes,while supporting an important charitable organisation. Donations aretax-deductible.
It's sadto imagine, but should something happen to parents, children need a guardian totake care of them and make fundamental life decisions. Every parent shouldappoint guardians. A person appointed as the guardian will acquire fullparental rights and authority in respect of the child. Temporary guardianship should be consideredwhere, for example, a permanent guardian lives overseas, but the child is alonein Hong Kong.
In absence of a Deed of Guardianship,children could become wards of the Social Welfare Department, even if there areother family members in Hong Kong to care of them.
During the campaign, there will be aseries of events regarding adoption legal issues. Mother's Choice supports eachmember of the adoption triangle, the birth parents, adoptive parents andmost importantly, the child. The organisation received accreditation from theAdoption Unit of the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department in 2010, becoming oneof three partner agencies providing adoption services and conduct adoptionsuitability assessments for prospective families.
Social responsibility has been an importantpart of Hugill & Ip's DNA since its early days. The firm is committed toadvancing policies that address all aspects of social responsibility. Theseinclude good ethical behaviour, care for the environment and involvement in thecommunity, in fact social and environmental responsibility can create a chainof personal and professional behaviours that positively impact our society, inHong Kong and globally.
Hugill& Ip's view is long term and endeavours to build lasting clientrelationships based on trust, professionalism and discretion.
As a youngindependent law firm, yet its lawyers bring decades of experience providingbespoke legal advice and exceptional client service to individuals, families,entrepreneurs and businesses, in Hong Kong and internationally.
Mother'sChoice is a local charity serving the many children without families andpregnant teenagers in Hong Kong. Mother's Choice has a Hong Kong IRD s88charitable status (1987).
Theorganisation joins hands with our community to give hope and change the lifestories of vulnerable girls and babies. The goal is to see every child in aloving family. Through the Pregnant Girls Services, the organisation helpsyoung girls facing crisis pregnancy and provides tailored support based on thechoice that they make for themselves and their future, including placing thechildren for adoption. Through the Child Care Home and FosterCare Services, Mother's Choice also provides temporary care for childrenwithout families, some of whom may be awaiting adoption. Their AdoptionServices fights for every child to have the opportunity to thrive, byhelping them to join a forever family.