HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 2 November 2020 - KerryLogistics Network Limited ('Kerry Logistics'; Stock Code 0636.HK)has been honoured as the recipient of the ESG Leading Enterprises 2020 Award(the 'Award'), organised by Bloomberg Businessweek/Chinese Edition andco-presented by Deloitte, for the second year in a row. Kerry Logistics won inthe category of enterprises with market capitalisation of over HK$20 billion.
Inauguratedin 2019 by international business publication Bloomberg Businessweek/ChineseEdition in collaboration with Deloitte, the Award aims at recognisingexceptional enterprises which thoroughly integrate Environmental, Social andGovernance ('ESG') goals and activities into their development strategies withremarkable business performance and growth. The Award comprises two categories,namely, the "ESG Leading Enterprises" Award and the "Leading ESG Initiative"Award.
WilliamMa, Group Managing Director of Kerry Logistics Network, said, "We are delightedto receive the award, which is a recognition of our persistent commitment toupholding ESG governance standards. As a socially responsible global company,Kerry Logistics values our ESG performance in the way our company is run and inour operations around the world. ESG issues now form part of our essentialconsiderations when we devise our development strategies, and we have beenactively following the ESG systems in place in key business decisions. We willcontinue to play our part in contributing to environmental sustainability andcorporate social responsibility in our pursuit of long-term business growth."
Kerry Logistics strives to make its operations greener through managingemissions, optimising the use of resources and protecting the naturalenvironment and ecosystems that we all rely on. It continues to strengthen thesustainability of its supply chain performance through building a collaborativeand "win-win" relationship with suppliers.
KerryLogistics Network is an Asia-based, global 3PL with a highly diversifiedbusiness portfolio and the strongest coverage in Asia. It offers a broad rangeof supply chain solutions from integrated logistics, international freightforwarding (air, ocean, road, rail and multimodal), industrial projectlogistics, to cross-border e-commerce, last-mile fulfilment and infrastructureinvestment.
With aglobal presence across 58 countries, Kerry Logistics Network has established asolid foothold in half of the world's emerging markets. Its diverseinfrastructure, extensive coverage in international gateways and localexpertise span across China, India, Southeast Asia, the CIS, Middle East, LATAMand other locations.
KerryLogistics Network generated a revenue of over HK$40 billion in 2019 and is thelargest international logistics company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
As oneof the most influential business magazines in Hong Kong with a globalvision and Greater China connection, the Chinese Edition of BloombergBusinessweek identifies the challenges and opportunities for enterprises as ESGstandards evolve. It joins hands with Deloitte in presenting the "ESG LeadingEnterprises". The event aims at recognising exemplary enterprises whichexcel in incorporating ESG goals and activities in their development strategieswith outstanding business performance and growth.