SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 2 November 2020- Dataxet,an integrated media intelligence group, headquartered in Singapore andestablished since July 2020, has successfully forged ahead with more than 40new business wins -- all in just 3 months after acquiring Sonar Platform, News and Ads Monitoring Agency (NAMA) and launching Truescope in Singapore.
Key wins include Carousell[i],Shiseido[ii],Telkomsel[iii],Mola TV[iv],LBS Bina Group[v]and MyIPO[vi] -- organisations that are successfulleading names within its respective industries in Asia. Notably, the winningportfolio also includes a highly-established regional bank institution alongwith several government agencies in Asia, validating the credibility of thecompany's offerings. Dataxet's expertise inmedia and data intelligence is expected to assist these new clients inaugmenting their capabilities across various functions ranging from corporatecommunications, content strategy to performance marketing.
David Liu, Co-founder & CEO of Dataxet,shared, "From raisingseven-figure pre-series A funding during the peak of the outbreak to ongoing regionalacquisitions, Dataxet is clearly showing no sign of slowing its trajectory. Wecontinue to chart a healthy revenue growth on a quarterly basis and recruitedthe best professional and experienced team to run all divisions of theDataxet's businesses. There are plans in place to continue investing in technologyand geographic expansion to further grow the organisation's capabilitiesin order to enhance the client experience. Dataxet is a new age professionalservices business supported by people and technology, nothing is more importantthan the client experience, an area which we are committed to invest."
Jason Lee, Co-Founderof Dataxet and CEO of Truescope Singapore said, "It is a strong testament to Dataxet's capabilitiesthat we have managed to continue to secure these wins despite the COVID-19economy."
Based on an industry reportrecently published by SpendEdge, the global media monitoring services market isstill going strong and expected to register an incremental spend of about $2billion, growing at a CAGR of 10.00% from 2019 to 2024. This affirms thegrowing trend of how data intelligence is expected to become the new 'oil' ofthe digital economy, with increasingly more organisations expected to invest inthis area to derive new stream of opportunities to support their growth andpower them through the COVID-19 crisis.
"Clearly, the pandemic has actually focused brands and organisations,more than ever, on the need for smart, timely and relevant data intelligence inorder to stay on top of evolving trends andmake better informed business and policy decisions. Our proposition - providing clients with comprehensive dataset with localisedlanguage insights supported by a cloud base delivery platform, is uniquely atthe core of offerings that resonates with our customers." Lee adds.
AmienKrisna, Founder of Sonar Platform and CTO of Dataxet, shares that "certainindustries such as Telecommunications, Entertainment Streaming, Gaming will beexpected to thrive due to shifting consumer habits borne from the pandemic. Forinstance, our client - Telkomsel,the leading mobile telecommunications company in Indonesia, recorded a 40.3% YoYincrease in data traffic due to an accelerated demand for its mobile dataservices, particularly during the lockdown. For other industries that are notas 'pandemic-resistant', it is necessary for them to arm themselves with the necessaryintelligence in order to stay ahead, pivot and better respond to unexpectedbehavioural trends and consumption patterns in the new normal."
[i] Carousell is one of the world's largest andfastest growing classifieds marketplace platforms in Southeast Asia. Launchedin August 2012, Carousell began in Singapore and now has a presence in eightmarkets.
[ii] Shiseido Company, Limited is a Japanesemultinational personal care company, that is a skin care, hair care, cosmeticsand fragrance producer. The company is headquartered in Tokyo, and is traded onthe Tokyo stock exchange.
[iii] PT Telekomunikasi Selular, trading as Telkomsel, is anIndonesian wireless network provider founded in 1995 and is a subsidiary ofTelkom Indonesia. Headquartered in South Jakarta, Telkomsel is the largestwireless carrier in the country with more than 160 million customers nationwideand providing communication access to 95% of the country's population.
[iv] Mola TV is the Indonesian group of television channels as wellas the premium multiplatform cable television, satellite, IPTV, and videoon-demand OTT streaming services available for Indonesia and Timor Lesteviewers owned and operated by Polytron.
[v] LBS Bina Group Berhad is a Malaysia-based investment holdingcompany and provides management services to its subsidiary companies.
[vi] MyIPO is an autonomous and corporatized agency responsible forthe development and management of the intellectual property system i.e patents,trademarks, industrial designs, copyrights and layout designs of integratedcircuits in Malaysia.
Dataxet PteLtd is a leading integrated data intelligence holding company operating inAsia. Its branded networks provide best-in-class media monitoring servicesalong with localised research and data analytics expertise to deliver accurate,applicable and actionable data insights. https://www.dataxet.com/