SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 21 September 2020 - AIASingapore today announced the creation of up to 500 new career opportunities,in-depth training and financial support aimed at fresh graduates and mid-careerswitchers, amid ongoing economic uncertainty and increasing unemployment as aresult of COVID-19. AIA's Financial Career Scheme 2020 is a reinforcement ofthe continued efforts by the government of Singapore to create and sustain jobopportunities for Singaporeans, as the number of retrenchments more thandoubled in the second quarter of this year[1].
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Ms Wong Sze Keed, Chief Executive Officer of AIASingapore, said, "At a time when so many are impacted byretrenchment or are struggling to find jobs, it is vital that we supportSingaporeans and permanent residents by creating sustainable and long-term careeropportunities.
"TheAIA Financial Career Scheme 2020 equips individuals with the skills andnecessary financial knowledge to pursue a new career path in the financialservices industry. By sharing our expertise and industry knowledge, candidates willembark on fulfilling and successful careers, contributing to Singapore's economicfuture well beyond COVID-19," she said.
Astrategic collaboration between AIA Singapore Private Limited (inclusive of itswholly-owned subsidiary,AIA Financial Advisers Private Limited) and AIA Group's flagship asset managementcompany, AIAInvestment Management Private Limited (AIAIM),the AIA Financial Career Scheme 2020 aims to provide support to individuals seekingcareers in Singapore's financial services sector. Eligible candidates willundertake soft and technical skills training to enhance their industryemployability, as well as receive financial support to sustain them whilstenrolled in the programme. Financial support will be provided to qualifyingindividuals across six financial allowance schemes, ranging from S$2,000 --S$5,000 per month[2],with a bonus earned upon successful completion of certain training modules.
"The programme isdesigned to equip candidates with sound financial and investment knowledge,which will enhance their employability as well as better serve the long-termneeds of their clients." said Mr CheongPoh Kin, Chief Executive Officer of AIAIM.
Suitablecandidates who meet AIA's requirements will be enrolled progressively over aperiod from 15 September 2020 to31 March 2021, where successful individuals will receive structured training overan initial 10-month period leading to three certifications comprising:
1. AssociateFinancial Planner (AFPCM) / Associate Financial Consultant (AFC) certification,as part of the AIA Premier[3]Programme.
2. Institute of Banking and Finance(IBF) Level 1 certification.
3. FoundationInvestment Certification accreditation by AIAIM.
Afterthe initial 10-month period, further training programmes will be offered overthe total two-year period based on individual candidate preferences anddevelopment needs.
Inaddition, all successful candidates enrolled in the programme will be assigneda mentor who will partner and guide them toward successful completion of theprogramme and potentially a rewarding career with AIA Singapore or AIA FinancialAdvisers as an AIA Premier Consultant.
Forsix consecutive years, the AIA Group has achieved the largest number of MDRTmembers becoming the only multinational company in the world to have done so. Wealso maintained our market leadership in agency distribution for sixconsecutive years, with the largest number of MDRT registered members inSingapore. Internationally recognised as the standard of excellence in lifeinsurance and financial services, AIA's agency force represents the industrypinnacle in professional knowledge, ethical conduct and outstanding clientservice. AIA Singapore is also the Winner of The Insurance & RiskManagement Sector of the Singapore's 100 leading graduate employers in 2019/2020for three consecutive years.
Interestedcandidates can contact us via this link and we will be in touch to share moreabout the AIA Financial Career Scheme 2020, and how to build a rewarding careerwith AIA Singapore or AIA Financial Advisers: https://www.aia.com.sg/en/about-aia/careers/not-just-another-job.html
[2] Financial allowance is subject to terms and conditions and meeting certain salesvalidation.
[3] AIA Premieris a structured programme with a comprehensive training and support system togroom new AIA Financial Services Consultants to achieve Million Dollar RoundTable (MDRT) within 2 years.
AIA Group Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively "AIA" or the"Group") comprise the largest independent publicly listed pan-Asian lifeinsurance group. It has a presence in 18 markets in Asia-Pacific -- wholly-ownedbranches and subsidiaries in Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR[4], Thailand, Singapore,Malaysia, Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, SouthKorea, Taiwan (China), Vietnam, Brunei, Macau SAR[5], New Zealand, a 99 percent subsidiary in Sri Lanka, and a 49 per cent joint venture in India.
The business that is now AIA was first established in Shanghai morethan a century ago in 1919. It is a market leader in the Asia-Pacific region(ex-Japan) based on life insurance premiums and holds leading positions acrossthe majority of its markets. It had total assets of US$291 billion as of 30 June2020.
AIA meets the long-term savings and protection needs of individuals byoffering a range of products and services including life insurance, accidentand health insurance and savings plans. The Group also provides employeebenefits, credit life and pension services to corporate clients. Through anextensive network of agents, partners and employees across Asia-Pacific, AIAserves the holders of more than 36 million individual policies and over 16million participating members of group insurance schemes.
AIAGroup Limited is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong KongLimited under the stock code "1299" with American Depositary Receipts (Level 1)traded on the over-the-counter market (ticker symbol: "AAGIY").
[4]HongKong SAR refers to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
[5]MacauSAR refers to Macau Special Administrative Region
AIA Investment Management Private Limited (AIAIM) wasincorporated in Singapore in 2016 as the hub for regional investment managementand central trading for AIA. AIAIM holdsa Capital Markets Services Licence for Fund Management, and Dealing in CapitalMarkets Products from the Monetary Authority of Singapore. As of 30 June 2020,AIAIM manages around US$118.2 bn across asset classes and has 111 employees.Since incorporation, AIAIM has built specialist teams to supporting and manageasset classes across geographies, having strong research capabilities inEquities, Fixed Income and Alternative Investments. AIAIM solely caters to AIAand dedicate its investment resources to manage the assets of AIA.