HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 18 September 2020 - Kerry Logistics Network Limited ('KerryLogistics'; Stock Code 0636.HK) is delighted to be crowned the winner of theCILT Award (the 'Award') 2020 - Enterprise Award for its outstanding service.
Organisedbiennially by theChartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong ('CILTHK') torecognise professional excellence and promote the best practice of transportand logistics, the Award is categorised into two streams -- the Enterprise Award and theSME Award. A five-member judging panel, consisting of industry practitioners,academics and professionals, presided over the assessment to laud serviceexcellence. The awardees were selected based on sevencriteria, namely, customer satisfaction, achieving United Nations SustainableDevelopment Goals, infrastructure, innovation, operational effectiveness,quality management and risk management & control.
William Ma, Group Managing Director of Kerry Logistics Network, said,"We are very excited to win this award. CILTHK is a renowned organisation thathas been making great contribution to the development of professionals for thelogistics and transport industry in Hong Kong. While we celebrate this honour,we also feel a sense of responsibility and pride in our job as a logisticsservice provider, at a time when the global supply chain is facingunprecedented chaos. Logistics demands are coming from allquarters, and the role that the logistics industry plays in supporting everydaylives is more important than ever. It is a role that Kerry Logistics is equippedand ready to play well."
KerryLogistics Network is an Asia-based, global 3PL with a highly diversifiedbusiness portfolio and the strongest coverage in Asia. It offers a broad rangeof supply chain solutions from integrated logistics, international freightforwarding (air, ocean, road, rail and multimodal), industrial projectlogistics, to cross-border e-commerce, last-mile fulfilment and infrastructureinvestment.
With aglobal presence across 58 countries, Kerry Logistics Network has established asolid foothold in half of the world's emerging markets. Its diverse infrastructure,extensive coverage in international gateways and local expertise span acrossChina, India, Southeast Asia, the CIS, Middle East, LATAM and other locations.
KerryLogistics Network generated a revenue of over HK$40 billion in 2019 and is thelargest international logistics company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
TheChartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) is astatutory non-profit making professional body dedicated to promote, encourageand coordinate the study and advancement of the science and arts of transportand logistics. The CILT Award was first introduced in 2004 aiming to recogniseand applaud the outstanding achievements of any transport and logistics serviceproviders in Hong Kong. Under the theme 'Service Excellence', the Award iscategorised into two streams, namely 'Enterprise Award' and 'SME Award'. Thisbiennial competition is organised for entries from both the logistics andtransport sectors and organisations that can demonstrate achievement in eitherlogistics or transport management with an aim to foster excellence in practice.CILT Award is a prestigious recognition of the winner's contributions to thedevelopment of Hong Kong's transport and logistics industry.