HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 22 October 2019 - ClubMed, the pioneer of Premium All-Inclusive holidays, announced plans to open itsfirst resort near Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Malaysia's Sabah state, in the northernpart of Borneo island late 2022. Located at Kuala Penyu Beach -- just 90-minutes'drive from Kota Kinabalu International Airport -- the premium all-inclusive ClubMed resort with a Club Med ExclusiveCollection space (5 Tridents Space) willoffer a pristine paradise where virgin jungle meets idyllic powdery white sand beachesand crystal clear waters. Club Med is collaborating closely with owners GoldenSands Beach Resort City Sdn Bhd (GSBR) to create the brand's first large-scale sustainably-builtBREEAM-certified beach resort in Asia Pacific. This resort is Club Med's secondresort in Malaysia, after Club Med Cherating Beach, an eco-nature getawaylocated in Pahang.
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"The Club Med spirit has always been to create newresorts that seamlessly blend into naturally beautiful locations and becomediscoverable bucket list destinations in their own right," said Henri Giscardd'Estaing, President of Club Med. "Opening in Kuala Penyu allows us to showcaseSabah's beautiful surroundings in a relatively undiscovered part of the world.This will be our second resort in Malaysia in a destination that is seeingincreased airlift and interest from travellers across globe including China,Korea, Southeast Asia and Australia."
GSBRC, the owningcompany of the future resort, is a Sabah based company which was formed bylike-minded investors purposely to bring Club Med to Borneo. The group behindGSBRC has extensive business experience in Malaysia and abroad with specificfocus on Hospitality and Property Developments in Sabah & Kuala Lumpur.
Club Med Borneo Kota Kinabalu -- anidyllic paradise surrounded by lush jungles and pristine beaches
With the internationaland modern millennial family in mind, Club Med Borneo Kota Kinabalu will providea dynamic and wholesome experience that truly takes advantage of the resort'sunparalleled location. 41 acres of land flanked by tropical rainforests, frontedby kilometres of pristine beach with picture-perfect white sand, Club Med BorneoKota Kinabalu's convenient, exceptional location with unobstructed sunsetviews, is perfect for a destination getaway for families, friends, and couples.
The resort located nextto a mangrove reserve will offer a plethora of activities that encourage gueststo preserve the location's natural beauty and discover local gems, includingisland hopping to the beautiful Pulau Tiga, a river ride that showcases Sabah'sdiverse wildlife and ecosystem as well as an adrenaline-pumping white-waterriver rafting adventure. Guests can also immerse themselves in Borneo's richheritage through activities like evening dance shows, traditional rug andjewellery making, and interactive culinary classes and coffee tastings.
The resort design willbe inspired by numerous traditional Borneo ethnic cultures while seamlesslyintegrating its structures with the surrounding rainforest. The resort willfeature plenty of spaces that is interconnected with nature, using local andsustainably sourced natural materials.
Guests at the new resort will also be able toenjoy:
ClubMed has been building resorts that blend harmoniously into its exceptional locations,with a focus on minimising the environmental footprint being extremely vigilanton energy efficiency, treating and recycling water, promoting renewable energysources and waste recycling techniques. Its partnership with the BuildingResearch Establishment (BRE) for Club Med Borneo Kota Kinabalu from the outsetwill create a benchmark for Club Med to construct new resorts that meetstringent BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)standards.
Club Med, founded in1950 by Gérard Blitz, invented the all-inclusive holiday club concept, addingin activities especially for children with the creation of the Mini Club in1967. Led by its pioneering spirit, Club Med seeks out exceptional destinationsand sites. Today, Club Med is the world's leading provider of upscale,all-inclusive holiday packages with a French touch for families and workingcouples. Club Med operates nearly 70 resorts, of which 85% are rated Premium& Exclusive Collection. Present in 30 countries around the world, the Groupemploys more than 23,000 Gentils Organisateurs (GOs) and Gentils Employés(GEs), representing 110 nationalities.
Golden Sands BeachResort City (GSBRC), the owning company of the upcoming Club Med Borneo KotaKinabalu, is a Sabah based company which was formed by like-minded investorspurposely to bring Club Med to Borneo. The group behind GSBRC has extensivebusiness experience in Malaysia and abroad with specific focus on Hospitalityand Property Developments in Sabah & Kuala Lumpur.