SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 22 October 2019 - The Japan AutomobileManufacturers Association, Inc. (JAMA) will hold the 46th Tokyo Motor Show 2019over a period of 12 days from October 24 through November 4. The theme for thisyear's show, "OPEN FUTURE," is not limited to automobiles/motorcycles/commercialvehicles and auto-related displays, but broadens its scope to include innovativedevelopments from other industries. Tokyo Motor Show 2019 will also be moreexpansive than ever in terms of venue size, taking place at Tokyo Big Sight andin the surrounding Odaiba area to allow more people to experience the excitingnew events and programs it will offer.
Summary of New TokyoMotor Show Events and Programs:
1. Future Expo
At the FUTURE EXPOexhibit, cutting-edge technologies will be featured from roughly 60corporations and entities, including NTT, Panasonic, NEC, Fujitsu and othermember companies of the Olympic and Paralympic Economic Council. The MEGA WEBspace will comprise over 90 stations where visitors can enjoy direct encounterswith the future!
2. Open Road
The 1.5 km-long "OpenRoad" walkway will link the Ariake and Aomi areas in the show's venue. Experiencethe future with micromobility and personal mobility rides, electric scooters,cart rides that can be enjoyed by kids, and other uncommon types of mobility.
Japan's first drone race approved by the FAI(Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, or International Aviation Federation)will take place at the Tokyo Motor Show. An innovative performance combining astage event by Hinatazaka46 with e-Sports will provide visitors with a completelynew type of entertainment. A collaboration with KDDI will also providebreathtaking 4K videos utilizing 5G technology.
2) Supercar Collection
With the cooperation ofthe Japan SuperCar Association, visitors will be able to view uncommonsupercars up close. Supercars, customized cars, and two-wheeled andthree-wheeled motorcycles from overseas will also be on display at variouslocations throughout the show's venue.
3. e-Motorsports
With the program at MEGASTAGE, visitors will get a chance to experience the driving dynamics of realcars and the excitement of motorsports through various e-Motorsports events. Thecombination of gaming and reality will be showcased with Gran Turismo SPORT,available exclusively for PlayStation®4 (Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.),and the "FIA Gran Turismo Championship 2019 World Tour Round 5," a real-worldcomponent of the game's FIA Gran Turismo Championship 2019, will allow visitorsto watch the heated battle between top players from around the world up closeand experience Gran Turismo SPORT using the same set-up used by the professionale-Motorsports drivers. Other events to be held at this venue include thee-Motorsports "Under-18 Inter-Prefecture Japan Championship" featuring the topdrivers under 18 years of age from all around Japan; the Manufacturers'Championship; and the single-make GR Supra GT Cup.
4. Out of KidZania inTMS2019
In collaboration withKidZania, children will be able to roleplay as employees at car manufacturers,parts manufacturers and mobile communication companies. A "City Where Kids CanWork" will be set up within the Aomi Exhibiton Hall where children will havethe opportunity to experience what goes on in automotive maintenance,manufacturing, clay modelling, remote control operation and other car-relatedjobs. Kids who participate in a KidZania program will receive a coupon at theend which they can exchange for a gift.
Forfurther details on these and other programs at Tokyo Motor Show 2019, pleasevisit the show's official website @ https://www.tokyo-motorshow.com/en/.
Attachment 1: Images of 46th Tokyo Motor Show 2019
Attachment2: Images from 45thTokyo Motor Show 2017