HO CHI MINH, VIETNAM - Media OutReach - 21 October 2019 - Twenty-six outstanding Vietnamese business leaders and organisationswere honored at the recently concluded Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards2019 or APEA 2019 at Sofitel Saigon Plaza, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
An initiative by Enterprise Asia, the leading non-governmentalorganization for entrepreneurship in Asia, APEA is the largest regionalrecognition program, with over 3,000 nominations received each year, and less2than one tenth of that receiving the awards in all 14 markets. With the themeof 'Promoting Inclusive EconomicDevelopment Through Sustainable Entrepreneurship', over 300 attendees werepresent at the by-invitation only event, comprising of industry leaders anddignitaries.
About Mr. NguyenDang Giap
Born andraised in Nghe An province, Vietnam in 1954, Nguyen Dang Giap has joined thearmy force since very early age of 18. The period before the ending of VietnamWar, from 1972 to 1975 he took part in the battlefield no.559. Shortly afterthe Fall of Saigon in 1975, Captain Giap continuously served in the army forceand conducted the international army missions in Laos from 1975 to 1986.
In 1987 Mr.Giap returned Vietnam and worked for The Corps no.11 based in Hanoi. At thattime, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and assigned as Assistant EquipmentManager and then Deputy Director of Subsidiary no.37 that belonged to the Corpsno.11. In 2003, Mr. Giap was mobilized from the Subsidiary no.37 to theSubsidiary no. 36, a member of the Corps no. 11, and designated to be theDirector. At the time of the handover of the previous business, it was highlylikely to go bankrupt. Shortly after the designation as the Director of theSubsidiary, Mr. Giap undertook a revolution, crafting and implementing a newstrategy that aimed to save the company and take it to greater heights. Mr Giaplead The Subsidiary no.36 and achieved excellent performance. Not only was thefinancial loss was bounced back but also the revenues has been increasingconsecutively.
In 2008, therecession of the world that stemmed from the US heavily affected Asian regionand Vietnam, resulting in several companies experienced hardships especiallyconstruction enterprises. Mr. Giap showed his enterprising characteristics andexcellent management by proactively changing the strategy to adapt the emergingsituation. Consequently, "The 36" did not only overcome difficulties but alsowas brave to merge the Company no.56, a member of Thanh An Corporation, thatwas going bankrupt with a tremendous net loss of 130 billion VND. Thereasonable decision of his, prevented 1.400 employees from unemployment. Thisinitiative depicts the being humanistic and long-term vision of Mr. Giap.Furthermore, he invested more than 700 billion VND to buy 600 modernconstruction machines, creating technically competitive advantages. Thanks tohis innovation in management and directing, "The 36" was entrusted to implementa lot of large-scale, important and complicated infrastructure constructionprojects.
Mr. Giapbelieved that "The 36" that has impressive achievements, advantages of an armyenterprise, and disciplined people would grow best if it is governed by aprivatize mechanism, which individuals'
responsibilitiesand permission are defined clearly. Mr. Giap again showed his enterprisingcharacteristics and excellent management by proactively changing the strategyin order to create future competitiveness. In 2014, Mr. Giap led The 36Corporation planning for privatization process, transforming the state-ownedcompany into private company. The transformation was comprised of tailoring anew strategy, an effective management system, and establishing a strongcorporate culture that emphasizes an effective autonomy, and innovation. Thisrevolution was unprecedented within the organizations of the Ministry ofNational Defence.
Launched in 2007, the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards is theregion's most prestigious awards for outstanding entrepreneurship, continuousinnovation and sustainable leadership. The Award provides a platform forcompanies and governments to recognize entrepreneurial excellence, hencespurring greater innovation, fair business practices and growth inentrepreneurship. As a regional award, it groups together leading entrepreneursas a powerful voice for entrepreneurship and serves as a by-invitation onlynetworking powerhouse. The program has grown to encompass 14 countries andmarkets all over Asia. For further information, visit www.apea.asia.