SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 21October 2019 - The 3rd EdgeProp Singapore ExcellenceAwards, held last Friday night at JWMarriott Hotel, was attended by more than 200 VIPs and guests who gathered tocelebrate the success of the best performers in the real estate industry.
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The annual awards, organised by EdgeProp, honours the leading performersand outstanding developments in the local property community. It recognises therelentless commitment from the property developers to ensure continuousinnovation, best-in-class design and the highest level of integrity.
The judging panel comprises the industry practitioners Angela Lim,Director of SuMisura -- Numero Uno Creative Group Pte Ltd; Ong Choon Fah, ChiefExecutive Officer and Head of Research & Consulting, Edmund Tie &Company (SEA) Pte Ltd; Khew Sin Khoon, President & Group Chief ExecutiveOfficer of CPG Corporation Pte Ltd; Yu Shi Ming, Head of Department, Departmentof Real Estate, School of Design and Environment, National University ofSingapore; and Yvonne Tan, Director, MSILA, Accredited Landscape Architect, DPGreen Pte Ltd. The aggregated scores by the judges were audited by KPMGSingapore.
Oxley Holdings Limited and City Developments Limited (CDL) emerged aswinners of theawards last Friday, sweeping up 12 awards each, including the Design Excellence Award, Landscape Excellence Award, Top Show FlatExcellence Award and Top DevelopmentAward. The two local developers also bagged the Top Developer Award, which commends developers that havedemonstrated excellent expertise in the property industry, and created valueand consistency through their projects.
Sims Urban Oasis by GuocoLand Singapore and Stirling Residences by LNDevelopment (Stirling) Pte Ltd won the TopMega Development Award, and 3 Orchard By-The-Park by YTL Land &Development clinched the Top LuxuryDevelopment Award. Both awards are introduced this year to recognise developmentsthat encourage corporate and social responsibilities, through cultivating anddeveloping sustainable communities.
Another new award is the CoworkingSpace Excellence Award, which went to The Great Room. This awardacknowledges spaces that give the most to their community in terms of value,services, facilities, technology or efficiency in design.
The Personality of the Yeargoes to Liam Wee Sin, Group Chief Executive of UOL Group Limited. Besidesdisplaying tenacity and precision in the past year, strategically growing hiscompany to new heights, Liam also identified new trends and brought newproducts to the industry, driving a positive impact in the property sector.
A total of 59 awards were given out this year. "We hope thatthe EdgeProp Singapore Excellence Awards, now in its third year, will continueto drive positive transformation and be held as the benchmark of excellence inSingapore's property development community," said Bernard Tong, CEO of EdgePropSingapore.
Please refer to the complete list of awards and winnersbelow.
Awards | Winners |
Coworking Space Excellence Award | The Great Room |
Mixed-use Development Excellence Award | Paya Lebar Quarter |
Design Excellence Award (Developer & Architect) |
Innovation Excellence Award |
Landscape Excellence Award (Developer & Architect) |
Sustainability Excellence Award |
Marketing Excellence Award |
Top Showflat Excellence Award (Developer & Interior Designer) |
Marketing Agency Excellence Award |
People's Choice Award | 3 Orchard By-the-Park by YTL Land & Development |
Top Luxury Development Award | 3 Orchard By-the-Park by YTL Land & Development |
Top Mega Development Award |
Top Boutique Development Award |
Top Executive Condominium Award | The Visionaire by Qingjian Realty (Sembawang) Pte Ltd |
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Top Developer Award |
Personality of the Year | Mr. Liam Wee Sin, Group Chief Executive of UOL Group Limited |