HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 22 October 2019 - Thedigital asset and utility token exchange ETHoutlet.com has committed to listing SelfKey's native utility token, KEY, in pairwith HKD and joining the SelfKey Marketplace, effective on Oct 25, 2019.
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Basedin Hong Kong, ETHoutlet.comoperates a Dealer Exchange, meaning traders deal with the platform directlywhen buying and selling utility tokens. This stands in contrast to thepeer-to-peer mode adopted by many mainstream platforms, which relies on everybuyer finding a seller and vice versa.
Thegreat advantage of the Dealer Exchange Mode is that transactions can beprocessed much faster, because no matching needs to be done. As a result,ETHoutlet.com services all users directly, ensuring that orders can be dealtwith immediately.
Additionally,ETHoutlet.com has a physical store which interested parties can visit forOver-The-Counter (OTC) trades. This is a great advantage for users who preferthe personal touch and more point-of-sale functions will be announced soon.
Besideslisting KEY, ETHoutlet will also join the SelfKeyMarketplace. This is your one-stop-shop for exchanges, bankaccounts, and incorporations. Users of the SelfKeywallet will be able to access ETHoutlet with the click of a button,maintaining a high level of privacy thanks to the SelfKey ID.
SelfKeyVisionary Edmund Lowell said: "ETHoutlet is building a compelling service thatwill make a valuable addition to the blockchain space. As a result we are veryhappy to be working with them, both by making KEY available on their exchangeand listing ETHoutlet as a service provider in our Marketplace."
ETHoutlet.comManaging Director Jack Cheng said: "Technology should not be a barrier toadoption and consumer market participation does matter. ETHoutlet mission tobring consumer a seamless exchange experience and gateway to enter into the newdecentralization application era. The partnership between ETHoutlet and SelfKeyis an excellent proof of utility tokenized ecosystem in connection with massconsumer market adoption."
SelfKeyis a leading identity management system that aims to return ownership overpersonal data back to the individual. To achieve this, SelfKey is building arich identity ecosystem comprising the SelfKeyWallet, the Marketplace, Loginwith SelfKey and the KEY token.
ETHoutlet.comis headquartered in Hong Kong providing a gateway to facilitatemicro-transaction connecting traditional payment to the new blockchaintokenized ecosystem for utility usage. The ETHoutlet team aggregates high-qualityblockchain assets, and provides a smooth trading experience. The team hasChinese, American, and Mandarin speakers who focus on global expansion andprioritize user needs. The team actively contributes to the development of theblockchain industry and supports industry's innovations. For businesscollaborations, contact us via support@ETHoutlet.com