SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - September 23, 2019 - S P Jain Global's flagshipGlobal MBA program climbed four places to be ranked #12 in the world in Forbes'latest ranking of the world's top 1-year international MBA programs, ahead ofHong Kong University, HEC Montreal, Erasmus (Rotterdam), Cass and Hult.
Forbes' biennial ranking of theworld's best 1-year and 2-year international MBA programs is based solely onthe return on investment achieved by business school graduates. This year, theForbes ranking compared the earnings of the Class of 2014 in their first fiveyears post-MBA. S P Jain's Class of 2014 reported a net gain of USD 61,300, evenhigher than the 2-year MBA programs of NYU, USC, Georgia Tech, UNSW BusinessSchool, Schulich School of Business, Penn State and other top internationalbusiness schools.
"We are thrilled to haveclimbed in the Forbes MBA rankings this year, especially as these rankings arestudent-focused. Since2011, our Global MBA has consistently featured in top MBA rankings by theFinancial Times, Forbes and The Economist. It is particularly thrilling to seethat S P Jain Global is also now more highly ranked than much more established1-year and 2-year MBA programs!," shared Nitish Jain, President of S PJain Global.
"We owe much of this success to ourunique tri-city model that has resulted in more emotionally intelligent andglobally-minded graduates who have gone on to do very well in their careers,both in India and outside." The 15-year-old School presently boasts of a 7000+alumni community that is spread across 30 countries, including Singapore,Australia, Chinna, Denmark, France, Georgia, Germany, Hong Kong, Malaysia, NewZealand, Spain, Switzerland, UAE, UK and the US.
Dr. Balakrishna Grandhi, Dean ofthe program said, "When it comes to global jobs, our graduates have the distinctadvantage of having lived and studied in three of the world's top businesscities. They have first-hand knowledge of how to operate in a global businessenvironment -- a skill that is much valued by recruiters. They undertakeprojects with top companies, interact with business leaders and thinkers, go oncultural tours and develop important global skills."
"This is a proud day for usgraduates from the Class of 2014! The fact that the program continues to gaininternational recognition and a steady rise in prestigious MBA rankings, likeForbes, is evidence that the unique learning ecosystem that the Schoolprovides, thanks to its global model, is both relevant and impactful. The GlobalMBA has been a stepping stone to new careers, new prospects, greaterresponsibilities, leadership roles and so much more for many, like me, and thislatest ranking is a testimony to that," shared Shivani Naik (Global MBA 2014)who is presently working at Reliance Industries Limited.
The Forbes MBA rankings, along withFinancial Times and The Economist, are among the most prestigious MBA rankingsin the world, and SP Jain Global is the youngest business school in the worldto get all three.
S P Jain is an Australian business school with campuses in Dubai, Singapore and Sydney. The School offers a plethora of undergraduate, postgraduate, professional and doctoral programs with a motive of crafting leaders for the 21st century workplace. Their full-time MBA and Global MBA programs have significant recognition as evinced through global rankings.
- Forbes: Top 15 Best International 1-year MBAs (2019-21)
- Times Higher Education-Wall Street Journal: Top 5 Best International 1-year MBAs (2018)
- Forbes: Top 20 Best International 1-year MBAs (2017-19)
- The Economist: Top 100 Full-Time MBAs worldwide (2015)
- Forbes: Top 10 Best International 1-year MBAs (2015-17)
- Forbes: Top 20 Best International Business Schools (2013-15)
- Financial Times: Top 100 Global MBA programs (2011 and 2012)
S P Jain is registered as a Higher Education Provider in Australia. Upon graduation, students receive a degree conferred by S P Jain School of Global Management, Australia. S P Jain's world-class business courses are accredited by the Department of Education/Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Australia, and licensed by the Council of Private Education, Singapore and the Knowledge and Human Development Authority, Dubai. Click here to read more.