KUALALUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach - 12 September 2019 - Ruder Finn today announced results from its latestresearch, "Entertain Me. Inform Me. Inspire Me. Feed Me: How to SatisfySoutheast Asia With Your Content". Conducted among 1,648 people -- from Malaysia, Indonesia,Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam -- the research offers deepinsights into what consumers prefer, consume, share and believe with respect toonline content. Malaysia-based respondents make up 16 percent of the samplesize.
Good news for brand content creators looking toconnect with audiences in Malaysia, as 69 percent of local consumers surveyedsaid they made an unplanned product purchase motivated by onlinecontent. The top three reasons Malaysia-based consumers were influenced to make a purchase: 1) the content provideddetailed information about the product or service; 2) the content offered anincentive or promotion, and 3) the content was visually attractive.
Consumers in Malaysia have a heavy appetite for content, as 56 percent areasking for more content that providesentertainment; 56 percent want more content that informs and educates;and 50 percent want more help and advice -- which is higher than theregional average. In addition, 54 percent prefer content from internationalbrands as opposed to content from local (i.e., country-based) brands. Also, 71 percentof consumers want brand content to be more "honest" and "real."
"Clearly,consumers in Malaysia are open to, interested in and motivated by brand content,and companies should be proudly labelling their content with their brands," saysMartin Alintuck, managing director, Southeast Asia for Ruder Finn. "The work tobe done by brands revolves around ensuring their content creates a perceptionamong consumers of authenticity, honesty and reality."
Despitethe accepted opinion that video is "king", the research shows that half of consumers(51 percent) prefer to read content as opposed to watch it. An overwhelmingmajority -- 73 percent -- prefer "digestable" content they can continuallyreturn to for more information. In addition, 86 percent would rather consume"factual" content versus "emotional" content.
"Theresearch argues for brands to strike a balance between appealing to theemotional needs of a consumer while also sharing the relevant information toinfluence the purchasing decision," says Alintuck. "At the same time, consumersseem to desire an ongoing story or flow of content that brings them back tofamiliar information and places. And they are very open to not just watching contentbut reading it as well."
TheRuder Finn research identified the top 10 preferences for content across thesix Southeast Asian countries. These include, in order of preference, contentthat is: 1) entertaining or fun, 2) teaches something new, 3) is a passiontopic for consumers, 4) is always up-to-date and keeps consumers informed, 5)is seen as trustworthy, 6) is visually attractive, 7) is part of an evolvingstory, 8) rewards consumers, 9) offers sales or promotions and 10) makesconsumers feel like they are part of a community.
The1,648 respondents participated in the research through an online survey. There were 259Malaysia-based respondents. Participants in the overall study were 18 to 35years old and an even mix of male (49 percent) and female (51 percent).Respondents were predominantly full-time employees (70 percent).
Visitwww.ruderfinnsea.com/researchto download "Entertain Me. Inform Me. Inspire Me. Feed Me: How to SatisfySoutheast Asia With Your Content" and find out more about Southeast Asia'scontent habits, preferences and expectations.
Ruder FinnSoutheast Asia (www.ruderfinnsea.com) is part of theaward-winning, global, integrated communications consultancy, Ruder Finn (www.ruderfinn.com). We're a teamof strategists, writers, creatives, technologists and storytellers. At RuderFinn, we help brands to engage with people and issues they care about throughcompelling campaigns that enhance perceptions and ignite engagements. Oursuccess is a blend of science and art: data-driven, inspirational withrelationships and business results at its centre. Connect with us and explorethe frontiers of "What's Next?" together.