MANILA,PHILIPPINES - MediaOutReach - July 1, 2019 - The ASEANCoordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHACentre) and Deutsche Post DHL (DPDHL) Group, the world's leading mail andlogistics services provider, signed a Memorandum of Intent (MOI) today tocollaborate on emergency preparedness and disaster response.
As part of the MOI, DPDHLGroup's Disaster Response Team (DRT) will work on the ground together withJakarta-based AHA Centre to facilitate the movement of international reliefcargo during disaster response scenarios. This includes unloading cargo planes,conducting professional warehousing and inventory management as well as loadingthe relief goods for onward transportation. DRT will also provide expertise andsupport for AHA Centre's courses and exercises related to ASEAN-ERAT (EmergencyResponse and Assessment Team) and ASEAN Humanitarian Logistics.
"Public-private partnershipswith industry experts like DPDHL Group are critical in scaling up the OneASEAN, One Response vision. As our partnership with the DRT team at Sulawesilast year demonstrated, their expertise in facilitating the flow of reliefgoods and supporting civil military relations is invaluable," said AdelinaKamal, Executive Director of the AHA Centre.
DPDHL Group's DRT was inIndonesia between October 4 and 26, 2018. That deployment was one of itslongest in the region to date, with 26 DHL volunteers facilitating the smoothprocessing and efficient flow of nearly 3,500 tonnes of relief goods.
"We are excited to partner withAHA Centre in their growing role as a regional coordinating hub for themobilization of resources to disaster affected areas in Southeast Asia. Thisnew collaboration builds upon our experience with the United Nations Office forthe Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the area of disastermanagement, and the joint effort is especially important in the light of morefrequent natural disasters in this region," said Carl Schelfhaut, GoHelpManager, Asia Pacific, DPDHL Group.
DPDHL Group's DRTs are comprisedof specially trained volunteer employees from across the Group's businessunits, including DHL Express, DHL Global Forwarding, DHL Supply Chain and DHLeCommerce Solutions. The teams are located in the Americas, Middle East andAfrica, Asia Pacific regions, covering approximately 80% of disaster-pronecountries.
The MOI was signed at the launchof the ASEAN Philippines satellite warehouse in Camp Aguinaldo, Manila and waswitnessed by Undersecretary Ricardo B. Jalad, Administrator of the Office ofCivil Defense and Executive Director, National Disaster Risk Reduction andManagement Council (NDRRMC) of the Philippines.
The new satellite warehouse inthe Philippines is part of a network of warehouses in the region. The mainregional stockpile is located at Subang, Malaysia, within the compound of theUnited Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD), a network of logistics hubsorganized by the UN World Food Programme. In addition to the regional stockpilein Subang, the satellite warehouse in Manila and Chainat, Thailand form theDisaster Emergency Logistics System of ASEAN (DELSA).
About the Disaster Response Team
The DRTs are part of DPDHL Group's GoHelp disastermanagement program, which it has operated in partnership with the UnitedNations (UN) since 2005. Through this partnership, the Group provides the UNand national disaster management agencies with pro bono access to its corelogistics expertise, and the logistics skills of more than 500specially-trained employee volunteers worldwide who can deploy within 72 hoursafter a natural disaster.
Since thepartnership was launched, the DRTs have completed more than 40 deployments fordifferent natural disasters in over 20 countries -- most recently the team wasdeployed at Beira Airport, Mozambique, to help in the aftermath of cyclone Idaiin April 2019.
In additionto the DRT deployments, the Group's Get Airports Ready for Disaster (GARD)initiative -- also part of the GoHelp program -- trains airport management in high-riskregions to be better prepared should disaster strike.
You can findthe press release for download as well as further information on dpdhl.com/pressreleases
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