Mr. John Sharkey, CEO, KTSP; (Right) Andy Chiang, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, DHL Express Hong Kong and Macau)

BERLIN, GERMANY - EQS - 1 July 2019 - As a management company for real estate investments, DGH Deutsche Grundwert Holding AG has a key supporting role in the "Theodor-Neubauer-Strasse" project in Leipzig. The utilization and development concept proposed by DGH Deutsche Grundwert Holding AG on behalf of the property owner has now been adopted by a well-known regional property developer. The developer acquired the old factory building, which will have a rentable space of around 8,500 m². Modernisation of the factory will fit well into the overall planning for the "Theodor-Neubauer-Strasse site", in keeping with DGH AG's philosophy of developing and investing in the creation of new generations of real estate.
The site will be developed into an independent, lively quarter, says Frank Peinelt, CEO of DGH AG: As part of our "New Generation Investment" concept, we have begun discussions with further suitable partners who are willing to work with us to develop and construct the remaining parts of the site comprising 23,639 m² with a potential rentable area of 36,420 m². We are looking for the best combination of politically desired, regionally accepted, ecologically friendly and economically viable. Over the coming months, we intend to intensify our coordination with the specialist offices at the City of Leipzig for the remaining three building plots.
Clever planning, green thinking
DGH AG has taken the city's concept for a green belt around Leipzig known as the Parkbogen Ost into account in its planning. The old railway line adjacent to the site will become a park landscape with pathways leading right into the centre of Leipzig, making it possible to reach the city centre by cycle, e-scooter or e-wheelchair in 10 - 15 minutes, or in a walk of only 40 - 50 minutes. People coming from Leipzig will have easy access to an attractive, vibrant part of town with a variety of small businesses, regional supplies and residential usages.
We want to get away from big, uniform constructions and avoid dormitory districts, which is why we want the three remaining plots to each be developed with their own individual character, says Michael Power, member of the board of DGH AG, who has had a leading role in development of the TNS project. In order to achieve this, we will be talking to carefully selected partners who know and identify with the region. Good, well integrated accommodation concepts translate directly into excellent quality of life, a very real guarantor of long-term economic sense.
DGH DeutscheGrundwert Holding AG
The Board ofManagement
Frank Peinelt
Michael Power