HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 1 July 2019 - In preparation for the official opening of the FWDx "The World of Studio Ghibli's Animation" in Hong Kong this August1, the titlesponsor FWD Hong Kong ("FWD") joins with Studio Ghibli to create the "GhibliExperiential Zone" at House 1881, inviting all locals and travelers to leapinto the fantasy world of Ghibli's animated movies starting from 28 June.
"Over the past 35 years, we have produced many animatedmasterpieces that have been warmly received by Hong Kong people, forming theiressential childhood memories." said Koji Hoshino, Chairman of Studio Ghibli."Ghibli Animations have remained true to our original aspiration to injectpositivity to people's daily living. By hosting 'The World of Studio Ghibli'sAnimation', where iconic scenes from our most popular productions arereproduced, we hope to evoke people's inner child and reignite their passions.I sincerely thank FWD for partnering with us to realise this vision."
Ken Lau, FWD Managing Director of Greater China & HongKong Chief Executive Officer said, "Studio Ghibli's unique films have been partof many Hong Kong people's childhood and memory. The films' enchanting fantasyworlds are full of joy, excitement and touching stories, inspiring the audienceto reflect on each and every stage of their lives. This resonates with FWD'spromise to empower people to fully unleash their passion, and pursue their lifegoals proactively and with a positive attitude."
"House 1881 is an important cultural landmark which haswitnessed the city's growth over many years. By hosting the Ghibli's fantasyworlds experiential event at this revitalised historical building which wasformerly the Hong Kong Marine Police Headquarters, we wish to createrefreshing, diverse and meaningful experiences for both locals and overseasvisitors with a touch of the dynamic history of our city," Ken continued.
House 1881 'Ghibli Experiential Zone' will showcase floralinstallations inspired by Ghibli movies including Castle in the Sky, MyNeighbour Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castleand Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea, along with the invaluable manuscripts of TheTale of the Princess Kaguya which will be shown to the public for the firsttime in Hong Kong. The public are welcome to visit House 1881 to experienceGhibli's animated fantasy worlds from 28 June to 31 August.
FirstStop: Visit the courtyard of House 1881 and takephotos with the Ghibli floral installations
The many classic Ghibli characters have been winninghearts and minds of the Hong Kong public for decades, and form some of our bestchildhood memories! FWD joins hands with Studio Ghibli to bring these friendlycharacters to Hong Kong through a number of different floral installations,including the No-face man from Spirited Away and the giant Laputan Robot fromCastle in the Sky. The characters set themselves across different locations atHouse 1881, waiting to be discovered!
SecondStop: Visit Café Parlour toenjoy afternoon tea; each sip of tea will warm your heart and soul.
Time-limited Ghibli themed afternoon tea sets at CaféParlour comes with exquisite sweets and savoury hors-d'oeuvres including FoieGras Mousse Tartare, Mini Lobster Bun, Matcha Opera Cake, classic Englishscones and more, allowing your taste buds to celebrate the Ghibli fantasy.
FinalStop: Take a close look at theinvaluable manuscripts of The Tale of the Princess Kaguya.
True fans of Ghibli animations won't want to miss thehighlight event -- the Tale of the Princess Kaguya manuscript exhibition. Theexhibition will be held on the 2nd floor of House 1881 starting from 20 July.While the mythology is derived from the ancient Japan literary classic The Taleof the Bamboo Cutter, fans from Hong Kong will have the opportunity toappreciate the delicate art work of the Ghibli creative team, and come tounderstand the thinking behind the details of this animated accomplishment!
This summer, Hong Kong is becoming a Studio Ghibli town!Beat the rush and bring your friends along to visit the time-limited FWD x "TheWorld of Studio Ghibli's Animation" Experiential Zone at House 1881, andexperience first-hand the fantasy worlds of Ghibli!
1 Events Details:
Ghibli Experiential Zone Dates: 28 June --31 August, 2019 Venue: House 1881, 2A Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (Complimentary Entry)
| "The World of Studio Ghibli's Animation" Dates: 3 August --3 November, 2019 Time: 11:00 am -- 10:00 pm Venue: Portal 6311, 18 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay Website: www.ghiblihk.com |
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