HONG KONG,CHINA - Media OutReach - 28 May 2019 - New York Digital USD DUSDexclusively named FINWISE Summit, which opened in Hong Kong on May 28.JohnsonZhao, founder of DUSD, delivered an important speech revealing that the"The Infernal Battlefield" of the block chain is on Wall Street. Thenext ten years will be the golden decade for the stablecoin.
Key word:DUSD; Digital USD;FINWISE; FINWISE Summit; Johnson Zhao
New York Digital USD DUSDexclusively named the 2019 FINWISE Summit, which opened on May 28 at Hong KongIntercontinental Hotel.The theme of this Summit is "Global Science andTechnology Finance Summit Forum", which focuses on exploring the way ofintegration of Finance and science and technology.
DUSD endeavors to create a new DigitalUSD stablecoin ecosystem, following the 2009 Global Block Chain (Hangzhou)Summit as an exclusive strategic cooperation unit, and it has enjoyed theexclusively naming of the FINWISE Summit in Hong Kong in 2019.
Johnson Zhao, founder of DUSD, delivered his opening speech on theblock chain's Infernal Battlefield,
After the opening of the 28 thSummit, Johnson Zhao, founder of Digital USD (DUSD), took the lead indelivering the FINWISE Named Business Speech " Infernal Battlefield ofBlock Chain - From Bitcoin to Facebook Coin". The keynote of the speechwas:The " Infernal Battlefield" of the block chain is on Wall Street.The next ten years will be the golden decade for the stablecoin.
Johnson Zhao, currently resident onWall Street, has started his own block chain journey as early as 2014. Theinvestment field focuses on block chain technology, artificial intelligence andbiotechnology. He is passinate on stablecoin as the core fuel andinfrastructure of block chain 2.0.Mr. Johnson Zhao also launched the firstnon-profit Global Block Chain Media Alliance and Global Block Chain Award in2018.
"Odyssey Tour" of Block Chain
Johnson Zhao talked about the pastand the present in his speech, which not only depicted the long journey ofmankind towards the block chain, but also expressed his firm confidence in thereconstruction of the world by the block chain.He quoted Mark Anderson, aventure capitalist, as saying:"Twenty years from now, we will be talkingabout block chains as we are talking about today's Internet." Block chains aretrust machines, consensus and win-win.If AI is a productivity revolution, thenthe block chain is likely to be a production relationship revolution.The birthof the block chain has undergone a long "odyssey journey":From theancient times to the agricultural times, to the industrial times and to thedigital times, the cornerstone of trust has shifted from blood, religion,institution and machine. The block chain is destined to reshape the trustmodel of mankind.
In his speech, Johnson Zhaocomprehensively interpreted the innovative value dimension of block chain:
1. Clearvalue record (behavioral data, data capitalization);
2. Moreefficient value interconnection (asset monetization, cross-temporal circulation);
3. More equitable value allocation(monetary capitalism-total factor capitalism);
4. Morecredible performance mechanism (intelligent contract, machine trust);
5. Moreflexible organizational collaboration (distributed collaboration, community collaboration).
He believed that the block chainwas another major subversion of the business logic and organizational modelsince the Dutch invented company system 400 years ago and the steam engine ofindustrial revolution in 1784. It was a new cooperative win-win model ofdecentralization.Block chains, as the updating of the bottom layer protocols ofthe Internet, can solve the problem of inequity in the highly efficientInternet, and may eventually create the largest digital migration in human historywith the help of a network effect 100 times greater than that of the Internet.Block chains are engulfing and reshaping the whole world in the tens ofmillions of dollars market.
Wall Street is the "Inferno Battlefield" of block chains
Artificial intelligence"Inferno Battlefield" in Silicon Valley;The Gene Editor's"Inferno Battlefield" was in Boston.Block Chain's "InfernoBattlefield" was on Wall Street.Based on this judgment, Johnson Zhaofocused his investment on ABC (AI, Blockchain, CRISPR) three frontier areas ofscience and technology.
As Don Tapscott, the father of thedigital economy, said:The black technology that will have the greatest impacton human beings in the next ten years is not robots, big data or evenartificial intelligence, but block chains.The process of rebuilding societythrough block chains means significant strategic investment opportunities.TheBay Area and Silicon Valley are the headquarters of high-tech venture capital,but Johnson Zhao recognized the "Inferno Battlefield" of the WallStreet block chain.He firmly believed that block chains, as trust machines inthe digital age, will reshape the value foundation with perfect mathematicalsolutions and technical means.The financial wave set off by block chain on WallStreet will surely spread to the world and reshape the global digital financialvalue system. As the heart of global finance, Wall Street will bear the brunt.
Stablecoin Occupies Digital Finance Track in the Next Decade
In his speech, Johnson Zhaooriginally put forward five tracks of digital finance:Wallets, exchanges,stablecoins, Digital Banking and payment were perfect for real-world dollars,NYSE, credit cards, banks and VISA/SWIFT. Other tracks include insurance,funds, securities and other financial products.Johnson Zhao, based on his deepinsight into the financial technology industry, judged that the stablecoinswere the first among the five major tracks.
In recent years, Johnson Zhao hastraveled through the United States, Japan and Europe, witnessing the rapiddevelopment of the blockchain industry since 2008.Since the second half of2018, JP Morgan Chase has launched JP Mcoin, technology giants Facebook, IBMand Google were also laying out in the block chain industry. Japan's four bigbanks are also contrary to the norm, announcing the joint issuance of J-coin.In the war between financial and technological giants, the trend of stablecoinin the block chain battlefield has become increasingly clear.
The giant's new entry into thelayout block chain is all in the stablecoin.From Bitcoin to Facebook Coin, theboom in stablecoin heralds the future of block chains as stable valuemedia.Wall Street calls for stablecoins. Financial markets need stablecoins.Stablecoins were becoming an indispensable infrastructure for theblockchains.The new eco-stablecoin represented by Facebook Coin was the realera of block chain 2.0, which represented the industry technology and markettrend of block chain in the next 10 years.
The fourth generation stablecoin DUSD has five advantages and sixEcologies
Following Johnson Zhao strategicvision in the area chain industry, hundreds of industry media, investmentinstitutions and project leaders shared and witnessed DUSD's five uniqueadvantages and six ecologies as the exclusive naming merchant strength of theSummit, both inside and outside the Summit venue, online and offline.
Tether of Bitfinex was thefirst-generation stablecoin, GUSD of Gemini and PAX of Paco were thesecond-generation compliance stablecoin, Facebook Coin will be thethird-generation single ecological stablecoin, and the fourth-generationstablecoin represented by DUSD with Turing complete stablecoin system willsupport the future of cross-ecological application of stablecoin.DUSD is thefourth generation stablecoin with original consensus mechanism and exclusivealgorithm. It was officially launched on Wall Street in November 2018.
DUSD is a master of turnip removalcompared with three kinds of stable currencies: physical mortgage, virtualcurrency mortgage and algorithmic currency. Johnson Zhao, the founder of DUSD,interpreted the five unique advantages of DUSD on the spot.(1) (1:1) anchoringU.S. dollars at high altitude;(2) Compliant operation;(3) Third-partytrusteeship;(4) full monthly public audit;(5) Intelligent contracts are fullymortgaged.The DUSD ecological scenes cover six major industries:Acceptanceecology, wallet ecology, community ecology, payment ecology, trade ecology andexchange ecology.DUSD has made innovations in both the regulatory governanceframework and price stabilization algorithm, trying to solve the problems oftrust, efficiency and stability that have troubled stable currencies.In thefuture, DUSD will also land on EOS, wave field, everiToken and other mainstreampublic chain platforms.
The world's top 500 companies havetheir own stable monetary payment ecology. Block chain industries also need aset of ecologically stable currencies, such as DUSD, to stabilize value, expandinfluence in many fields, and to serve and support the blockchain world'sleading enterprises.