HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 12 December 2018 - KerryLogistics Network Limited ('Kerry Logistics'; Stock Code 0636.HK) has garnered forthe first time the Platinum Award, the highest honour of The Asset CorporateAwards (the 'Awards'), organised by TheAsset, a renowned financial magazine. In addition, Mr William Ma, the GroupManaging Director, was honoured with the Best CEO Award.
At the18th edition of the Awards, Kerry Logistics was recognised for its outstandingperformance in corporate governance, environmental responsibility, socialresponsibility, financial performance, and investor relations. Its achievementsand leadership were also accredited in enforcing governance, maintainingtransparency and disclosure, and seeing through a sustainable long-term vision.
With close to 20 years of experience conducting awards programmes, theAwards are widely recognised as Asia's preeminent, and only conferred on thosethat have excelled in their respective industries. The Awards set the benchmarkfor the corporate sustainability of listed companies and commend notable ESGinitiatives and performance. The assessment is based on criteria including arange of metrics, as well as feedback from the investor community.
George Yeo, Chairman of Kerry Logistics Network, said, "We are honouredto receive this award. In Kerry Logistics, we are committed to environmentaland social responsibility and good corporate governance as a part of our valuesystem. We believe that this commitment is not only good for Kerry Logistics,it is also good for our partners, our customers, and our investors."
William Ma, Group Managing Director of Kerry Logistics Network, said, "I amdelighted to see the efforts of my team being recognised and privileged to beplaced among our esteemed peers. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude tothe organiser for their acknowledgement. Kerry Logistics is committed to addingvalue to our stakeholders and customers despite the current uncertain global environment.By enforcing corporate governance and integrating it with enhancedtransparency, timely disclosure, and environmental practices, we will continueto create long-term value for both our business and the communities in which weoperate."
About Kerry Logistics Network Limited (Stock Code 0636.HK)
KerryLogistics is an Asia-based, global 3PL with the strongest network in Asia. Itscore competency is providing highly customised solutions to multinationalcorporations and international brands to enhance their supply chain efficiency,reduce overall costs, and improve response time to market. Kerry Logistics hasa network covering 53 countries and territories, and is managing 53 million sqft of land and logistics facilities worldwide, providing customers with highreliability and flexibility to support their expansion and long-term growth.Kerry Logistics Network Limited is listed on the Main Board of the Hong KongStock Exchange and is a selected Member of the Hang Seng Corporate SustainabilityIndex Series 2017-2018.
About the Asset Corporate Awards
TheAsset Corporate Awards offers a rigorous benchmarking service for listedcompanies with regard to corporate sustainability. The criteria used to assessthe companies include a range of metrics of financial performance, which arealso a proxy for gauging management acumen. Companies are also evaluatedaccording to the quality of their governance, social responsibility,environmental responsibility, and investor relations.