Times HigherEducation-Wall Street Journal releases the world's Top 1-year InternationalMBAs in latest ranking.
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 12 December 2018 - The latest ranking by Times Higher Educationand Wall Street Journal places S P Jain School of Global Management (SP JainGlobal) ahead of global giants such as IMD, NUS Business School, HEC Paris,Melbourne Business School and the Cranfield School of Management.
SP Jain Global, which has campuses in Sydney,Singapore, Dubai and India, was ranked #4 worldwide in the One-Year MBA Degreescategory. Amongst the top five, the University of Hong Kong was first in the1-year MBA listing; while Stanford Graduate School of Business found itself inthe top spot for its 2-year MBA program.
The rankings, conducted jointly by Times HigherEducation and the Wall Street Journal, were drawn from a number of rigorousperformance indicators such as graduate salaries, internationalisation, studentand faculty experiences, accreditations and overall teaching excellence. One ofthe key parts of the data collection was an alumni survey.
"We are thrilled to be ranked among the world'stop 5! We also hold the top position in Australia, Singapore and Dubai -- allthree of our international locations. This is affirmative of the School'sprogress as a leading centre of global business education. It is also a strongtestament to the dedication and high quality of work accomplished by our globalteam of faculty, alumni, staff and students," shares Nitish Jain, President ofthe School.
"Innovation is part of our DNA. We are a futuristicbusiness school and we believe in crafting future-ready graduates with theability to succeed in a world where change is the new normal. We haveintroduced a number of technology initiatives that will completely transformthe education landscape. Our new Engaged Learning Online (ELO) Technology is apowerful new way for students to learn online. Earlier this month, we announcedthe launch of new digital certificates based on Blockchain technology that willeffectively put an end to the fake degree menace."
Dr. Balakrishna Grandhi, Dean of the School'stop-ranked Global MBA program said that SP Jain Global's achievement in beingthe youngest business school in the ranking is particularly impressive. "Since2011, our Global MBA has consistently featured in top MBA rankings by theFinancial Times, Forbes and The Economist. It is particularly thrilling to see thatSP Jain Global is also now more highly ranked than much more mature andestablished institutions.
"When it comes to global jobs, our graduateshave the distinct advantage of having lived and studied in three of the world'stop business cities. They have first-hand knowledge of how to operate in aglobal business environment -- a skill that is much valued by recruiters. Theyundertake projects with top companies, interact with business leaders andthinkers, go on cultural tours and develop important global skills."
A few weeks earlier, the School was rankedamong Asia Pacific's Top 10 by Ivy Exec in its ranking of the world's topExecutive MBA programs.
About S P Jain School of Global Management
S P JainSchool of Global Management (SP Jain) is a leading Australian business schoolknown for its disruptive innovation in business education. The School hascampuses in the vibrant cities of Dubai, Singapore, Mumbai and Sydney, and isrenowned for running its global business programs across these cities. For itsflagship Global MBA program, the School has been ranked by reputedinternational publications such as Forbes, Nielsen, Global Brands, FinancialTimes and The Economist. Globally-intelligent and culturally agile, the SP Jainstudent is able to adapt to new situations with ease and finesse and is morethan ready to take on the global challenges of the 21st century. For moreinformation, visit https://www.spjain.sg
About The Ranking
Times HigherEducation, in partnership with the Wall Street Journal, gathered a unique setof performance data from business schools across the world -- based on metricspioneered in the WSJ/THE US College Rankings, which are designed to exploreteaching excellence and the student experience.
In total,114 business schools from 24 countries were compared and ranked across a rangeof business programmes: two-year MBAs, one-year MBAs, master's in finance andmaster's in management, and to draw rich insights into the characteristics ofdifferent institutions and courses.