With a prestigious royal medicine brand history of over 300 years, Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited recently held a Plaque Cleansing (Complimenting) Ceremony at its Research and Development Production Plant and Cultural Museum at Tai Po Industrial Estate to celebrate the annual global "Tong Ren Tang Day.")

HONG KONG, CHINA- Media OutReach - 7December 2018 - Sa Sa InternationalHoldings Limited ("Sa Sa" or the "Group", stock code: 0178) is pleased toannounce that its Chairman and CEO DrSimon Kwok was named "BusinessPerson of the Year" at the "DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards 2018" organisedby DHL and the South China Morning Post, honouring his outstanding achievementin the business community and positive contribution to society.
Under the leadership ofDr Simon Kwok, Sa Sa has achieved sustainable business growth throughout theyears and become a leading cosmetic retailer in Asia, with business presence ofover 270 retail outlets in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China, Singapore andMalaysia. Dr Kwok continuously drives innovation and change. In view of the"New Retail" trend, he envisions the use of big data and business intelligence byintegrating customer data of various business units to better analysecustomers' preferences and new trends, thereby creating seamlessonline-to-offline customer experience in the long run. Upholding the beliefthat a high level of corporate governance is the cornerstone of sustainingshareholder value and balancing the interests of stakeholders, Dr Kwok strivesto maintain long-term relationship with stakeholders and fulfill corporatesocial responsibility, providing keen support to environmental conservation andsustainability works as well as tender care to society.
Dr Simon Kwok, SBS,JP,Chairman and CEO of Sa Sa, said "Iwould like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the organisers and panel judgesfor their acknowledgment. I feel incredibly honoured to be awarded thisprestigious accolade on the 40th anniversary of Sa Sa. Over theyears, our Sa Sa team have kept up with the positive agile Hong Kong spirit, workinghand-in-hand together to overcome the challenges while keeping abreast of time.Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank the Board and employees of Sa Safor their hard work, bringing the Group to where it is today. Moving forward,we will continue to pursue sustainable growth, and bring more positive energyinto the society, thereby 'making life beautiful' for others."
This "Business Personof the Year" award marks the second time that Dr Kwok has been accredited at"DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards"; he garnered the "Owner-Operator Award" backin 2007.
Established in 1990 byDHL and the South China Morning Post, the Hong Kong Business Awards is one ofthe most prestigious business accolades in Hong Kong, aiming to encourage andsustain the region's entrepreneurial spirit and recognise excellent standardsof corporate management and governance. Honouring individuals and companieswhich are maintaining and expanding the economic viability and internationalstature of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta is at the heart of Hong KongBusiness Awards' mission.
AboutSa Sa International Holdings Limited (莎莎國際控股有限公司)
Sa Sa is a leading cosmetics retailing group inAsia. The Group currently operates more than 270 stores and counters in Asiathat sell more than 700 brands of make-up, skin care, fragrance and hair careproducts including its own-brands and other exclusive international brands. TheGroup employs close to 4,800 staff in Asia Pacific. Sa Sa is a constituentmember of the Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index, FTSE World Index and MSCIIndex, and has been a constituent member of Hang Seng Corporate SustainabilityBenchmark Index since 2011. On 8 June 2015, the Group was included in the HangSeng High Dividend Yield Index. It has also been an eligible stock forShanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect since2014 and 2016 respectively.
For further information, please visithttps://corp.sasa.com