With a prestigious royal medicine brand history of over 300 years, Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited recently held a Plaque Cleansing (Complimenting) Ceremony at its Research and Development Production Plant and Cultural Museum at Tai Po Industrial Estate to celebrate the annual global "Tong Ren Tang Day.")

HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 6 December 2018 - HongKong Broadband Network Limited ("HKBN") today announced its mind-blowing MobileServices offers aimed at enticing existing 1010、csl、SUN Mobile customers^.Customers who successfully port-in their mobile numbers to HKBN's designatedmobile service plan, can receive up to HK$2,000 DCH Foods cash vouchers* whilstthey enjoy the high-quality mobile services from HKBN.
From now until furthernotice, existing1010、csl、SUN Mobile customers^ who port-in theirnumbers and subscribe to HKBN's designated HK$78/month orHK$218/month mobile service plans fora 24-month contract term, will receive HK$1,000 or HK$2,000 DCH Foods cash vouchers* respectively. Thesemind-blowing offers are now available for registration at all HKBN shops or foronline registration at www.hkbn.net!
HKBN Co-Owner and CEO, NiQ Lai said, "Sinceentering the mobile service arena, HKBN has relentlessly disrupted legacypractices to bring customers industry-leading service and amazingvalue-for-money. Today, we continue this strategy with a mind-blowing offerthat's designed to entice existing mobile customers of 1010, csl and SUN Mobileto switch over and enjoy HKBN's premier services. As a result of this campaign,we'll further expand our market share in Hong Kong's mobile communicationsspace."
Designated Mobile Services Plan Details | ||
Monthly Fee | HK$78 | HK$218 |
Monthly fee discount offer (only applicable to existing customers of HKBN home broadband and/or home telephone service) | HK$10 | HK$20 |
Local Network | 4G Maximum local download speed 21Mbps | 4.5G |
Monthly Local Mobile Data | 5GB | 12GB When monthly local data usage exceeds the above plan data entitlement, service will automatically be upgraded to unlimited local data without speed throttling for HK$110 extra charge. (Fair Usage Policy(A)applies) |
Local Voice (minute per month) | 3,000 | unlimited |
Contract Period | 24 months | 24 months |
Monthly Administration Fee | HK$18 | HK$18 |
^Excludingprepaid SIM customers of 1010, csl & SUN Mobile.
*Notapplicable to iPhone monthly plan. Terms and conditions apply, please refer to https://www.hkbn.net/personal/mobile/en/mobile-servicefor details.
About Hong KongBroadband Network Limited
Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited is a subsidiaryof HKBN Group ("HKBN" or "The Group"). HKBN is Hong Kong's second largestprovider of residential high-speed fibre broadband service and a fast growingenterprise solutions provider. The Group offers a widerange of telecommunications solutions for both the residential and enterprisemarkets, including broadband and managed Wi-Fi services, voicecommunication, mobile services, OTT entertainment, data centre services,integrated cloud services, data connectivity and system integration. HKBN owns an extensive fibre network in Hong Kong, which covers over2.3 million residential homes passed and 2,400 commercial buildings. HKBN embraces "Make our Hong Kong a Better Place toLive" as its Core Purpose, and takes great pride in developing its Talents intoa competitive advantage. The Group is managed by Co-Owners(supervisory-and-above-level Talents in the Group) who have invested their ownsavings to buy the shares of HKBN Ltd (SEHK Stock Code: 1310). HKBN Group is part of HKBN Ltd.