SINGAPORE- ACN Newswire - Dec 6, 2018 - CapillaryTechnologies, one of Asia's leading Omnichannel CRM and E-commerce SolutionsProviders, hosted its technology-focused conference in Singapore. Dubbed#ready2018, the event aimed to empower business leaders with the latestbusiness strategies to be consumer-ready, and uncover how technology isfundamentally transforming e-commerce, startup and retail ecosystems inSoutheast Asia (SEA).
Over 200 business owners, CXOs and startups graced the event with CapillaryTechnologies leading the way by enabling the digital transformation ofbusinesses - showing them how the internet could make life quicker, morecomfortable and better.
SEA's 300+ million-strong internet users are set to grow to over 400 million by2020, and its internet economy is projected to be worth US$200 billion by 2025.With more than 70 million new internet users since 2015, the region is nowpoised with greater digital disruption, SEA's internet users are the epitome ofthe omnichannel consumer, buoyed by ever-evolving mobile technology consumptionand offline to online transactions, there is no dearth of opportunities forthem and the businesses that depend on them.
Hot on the heels of this digital gold-rush, #ready18's conference discussed thevarious aspects that would enhance the consumer and digital readiness ofbrands. Through various insightful sessions by leaders from companies likeNielsen, Twitter and Google, the event captured the need for the brands tore-engineer their consumer strategy and ways in which they can create a growthmindset within the company. The sessions also recognised that technology hasbeen a big disrupter in many sectors and how business can use technology totheir aid.
The rising internet penetration has led to an unprecedented growth of thedigital economy in the Asia-Pacific region. According to Nielsen research theAPAC consumers spend approximately 6.5 hours online every day and 98% of themhave made online purchase, with fashion and travel claiming the highest shareof wallet. Millennial consumers have a very unique perspective, and brands needto understand them better in order to tap the immense business potential thatthey bring. They are hyper-connected and their consumption and recall of thecontent is faster. It is imperative for brands to identify the most suitablechannels to reach out to this audience and align their strategy to whatresonates with them.
"It was great to see our attendees so keen and enthusiastic in theexploring the opportunities that digital technology has to offer," saidAneesh Reddy, Co-Founder and CEO of Capillary Technologies. "#ready18brought together business leaders who are at the forefront of the changesaffecting the future of commerce and the conference provided a valuablebackdrop for us to discuss critical issues, such as the importance of digitalfor enhancing consumer loyalty and the challenge of eliminating the cost andcomplexities of digital transformation. The insights and discussions garneredat over the course of one day reflected the defining developments we seeemerging from the continually evolving digital landscape."
Attendees were able to brush up on their knowledge of the best omnichannelsolutions in the market via interactive exhibits curated by Amazon WebServices, Mindtree and Cloudcherry. Learners were also joined by GaneshLakshminarayanan, COO of Capillary Technologies who was on hand to present anexclusive masterclass on loyalty and CRM excellence.
Aneesh added: "We wanted to showcase that digital transformation isseamless and easy for adoption and more importantly, how it could change theirbusinesses for the better. It was great to have our speakers help us spread themessage and we thank them for the immense show of support. I'm personallylooking forward to new advances in digital technology and can't wait toshowcase them next year at #ready19!"
#Ready2018 https://www.readyevent.co/