HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 5 December 2018 - R ONE Space (Royal One Co-working Space Company Limited), a co-working space brand in Hong Kong, officially opened its second office space in Kwun Tong today. Dotted with Hong Kong's localculture, the new space aims to provide a one-stop creative technology platformfor young entrepreneurs, and offers up to 510 seats with monthly rental as lowas HKD$3,000. Mr.Chan Yan Tak, R ONE Space Founder & Chairman, artist andsinger-songwriter Mr. Lam Tak-Shun Alex, the winner of the Miss ChineseVancouver 2011 pageant Ms. Erica Chui, professionalphotographer Ms. Phoebe Miu and honoured guestMs. Michelle Yim andMr. Miu Kiu Wai Michael officiated the Opening Ceremony today.Mr. Chan also holds the positions of Chairmanand CEO of Shunten International (Holdings) Limited (HKEx: 932, formerly knownas RM Group Holdings Limited).
RONE Space Kwun Tong, conveniently locatedat the heart of Kowloon East Central Business District (CBD), consists of threecommodious floors, with a total gross area of26,000 sq. meters. It currently offers up to 510 seats or 92 chamber offices.Kwun Tong centre provides made-to-measure arrangement for tenants, including chamberoffices and flexible lease period as short as1 month to cater to tenants' need.
Apart from R One's core "butler services" and 24-hour support, Kwun Tong centre is equipped with specialisedfacilities like a 3D printer, which reflects with the vision of R ONE Space to support innovative technology, and toaid tenants in creative, technological, cultural,media industries and start-up companies. The KwunTong centre also offers a corporateevent venue that has a capacity of over 140people.It is equipped with a mobilised TV wall that supports live syncing with the event venue in Causeway Bay centre, enabling events such as press conferences,workshops and seminars to be conducted simultaneously in two locations.
With Hong Kong's local culture design penetrating throughoutthe shared space, including nostalgic stores, classic ice cream cabinets,classroom as its three main themes, the Kwun Tong centre aims to create an easy,playful and comfortable environment with game stations setup and free ice-creamon offer. Tenants are encouraged to interact with one another in the space, to invigorateinspiration and promote collaboration opportunities. In addition, R ONE Space has set up the R ONE angel fund designed to invest ininnovative ideas and cutting-edge technologies. It also plans to collaborate withuniversities to organize entrepreneurial competitions and provide a practicalvenue to nurture young entrepreneurs.
Mr.Chan Yan Tak, R ONE Space Founder & Chairman, said"Young entrepreneurs needspace for creation and experimentation. As the up and coming CDB in Hong Kong, KowloonEast has vast potential demand for commercial properties, in which R ONE Space Kwun Tong provides a lower threshold to rent a comfortable work environmentwith one-stop support for newcomers. The occupancy rate is targeted to reach50% in the first three months, with plans to expand the total gross floor area ofR One to 100,000 sq. meters in stageone."
About R ONE Space
RONE Space is a ground-breaking co-working space brand in Hong Kong. TheGroup's first two centres, located in Causeway Bay and Kwun Tong -- two ofthe major Grade-A office districts, opened their doors in Oct 2018. The Groupaims to provide "butler services" for its tenants, including professionalassistance such as accounting service, legal advice and advertising strategies,with a reciprocal ecosystem and shared business opportunities.
Withthe iconic Victoria Harbour as its backdrop, R ONE Space in CausewayBay offers a corporate event venue that rivals hotel event spaces. The venuehas a capacity of over 100 people and is a great tool to enhance tenants' brandimage. R ONE Space in Kwun Tong, located in the creative and culturalhub in East Kowloon, provides a one-stop creative technology platform for youngentrepreneurs.