With a prestigious royal medicine brand history of over 300 years, Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited recently held a Plaque Cleansing (Complimenting) Ceremony at its Research and Development Production Plant and Cultural Museum at Tai Po Industrial Estate to celebrate the annual global "Tong Ren Tang Day.")

HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 7 December2018 - MetLife Hong Kong* announced the launch of its brand-new MetLife Precious Savings Plan, anintegrated solution designed for wealth growth and legacy bestowal. The planoffers the flexibility to change the insured person an unlimited number oftimes, as well as guaranteed returns and protection up to age 120 of theinitial insured person.
Mr. Vincent Chan, Head of Product of MetLife Hong Kong, said,"MetLife Precious Savings Plan reflects our commitment to navigating lifetogether with customers, not only throughout their different lifestages butalso from generation to generation. In view of increasing demand for flexiblelegacy planning solutions, we have designed the plan with a policy term of upto age 120 of the initial insured person, along with the flexibility to changethe insured person an unlimited number of times. This way, multiple generationscan enjoy protection and potential returns. With the additional feature of highcash liquidity, this plan is an effective solution to both grow assets andbuild lasting financial security across generations."
Key features of MetLife Precious Savings Planinclude:
From nowtill December 31, 2018, customers who successfully apply for MetLife Precious Savings Plancan enjoy a premiumdiscount of up to one month#.
For further details about MetLife Precious Savings Plan, please visit: www.metlife.com.hk/en/customer/precious
+ Refers tothe 5th policy anniversary date after the end of the premium paymentperiod.
^The aggregate amountwaived under all insurance policies (including the policy of this plan)covering the same insured person that provides Free Waiver of Premium Benefit(including any Free Accidental Waiver of Premium Benefit) issued by MetLifeLimited, whether or not those insurance policies are matured and/or terminatedand/or remain in force, shall not exceed US$100,000.
#Terms and conditions apply. For further details, please refer to the relevantpromotion leaflet.
The above information is intended for reference only. Pleaserefer to the relevant Policy Provisions of MetLifePrecious Savings Plan for definitions, detailed terms, conditions and exclusions.
MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through itssubsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the world's leadingfinancial services companies, providing insurance, annuities, employee benefitsand asset management to help its individual and institutional customersnavigate their changing world. Founded in 1868, MetLife has operations in morethan 40 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States,Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information,visit www.metlife.com.
* MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life InsuranceCompany of Hong Kong Limited (collectively "MetLife Hong Kong") arewholly-owned subsidiaries of MetLife, Inc. in Hong Kong and private companieslimited by shares incorporated and registered under the applicable laws in HongKong. Both MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong KongLimited are authorized insurers carrying long term business in Hong Kong.