SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - December 4, 2018 - Singapore Semiconductor IndustryAssociation (SSIA), the industry's trade association with membership across thefull value chain of Singapore's semiconductor and electronics eco-system, yesterdayannounced their newly elected board members for the term of office up to end of2020.
Andrew Chong, advisor to the Board of InfineonTechnologies Asia Pacific, was elected the new Chairman of SSIA Board. KC Ang,currently the Senior Vice President and General Manager of GLOBALFOUNDRIESSingapore and Europe, is the new Vice Chairman of the board.
Andrew has over three decades of experience in thefields of strategy, management, people development, marketing and engineeringin Asia Pacific. He is Advisor to the Board of Infineon Technologies AsiaPacific since stepping down as President and Managing Director in 2017. He currently serves on the Future EconomyCouncil (FEC) Manufacturing Sub-committee co-chaired by the Senior Minister ofState for Trade and Industry. He has been an active Council Member of theSingapore National Employer Federation (SNEF) since 2014 and chairs theexternal review panel for the Polytechnic Quality Assurance Framework (PQAF).He is a Board Member of the Ministry of Manpower's Workforce Singapore Agency(WSG), serves on the Board of Governors of the Institute of Technical Education(ITE) and is active on the board of social enterprises in Singapore.
"Itis an exciting period to chair the new Board of SSIA as there is much to do toguide the industry through this period of change," said Andrew. "I am gratefulto have on the team highly experienced industry leaders to champion thetransformation journey for the industry in Singapore."
Other industry leaders who were elected as officebearers to the SSIA Board includes Jerome Tjia as the Honorary Secretary and BrianTan as Treasurer. Jerome heads the Development Centre of Infineon Technologies,while Brian is the Regional President of Applied Materials.
The new board also includes two female industryleaders, Chen Seok Ching, Vice President and General Manager of Marvell Technologyand Jennifer Teong, Manufacturing Vice President of Silicon Labs International.Rajan Rajgopal, President and General Manager of DenseLight Semiconductors wasalso elected into the new Board, representing SMEs.
Biography of the new board members can be found at Board Memberspage at SSIA website.
Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association is poisedto lead the Singapore Electronics Industry Transformation Map, launched by thegovernment in 2017. In the speech by Deputy Prime Minister TharmanShanmugaratnam, at the industry's 50th anniversary dinner on 14November 2018, he mentioned that the semiconductor industry is one of the few keyindustries in Singapore with a global competitive edge and as such Singapore ispositioning itself to take advantage of the huge opportunities ahead withemerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, smart factories andautonomous vehicles.
SSIA is alsoexpanding their Secretariat team with the recent appointment of Ang Wee Seng asthe Executive Director. The new Secretariat team is now organizing moreactivities that encourages win-win partnerships among companies, governmentagencies and education institutions. The immediate focus is now on developing astrong talent pool that will continue to support this industry for years ahead.This is crucial to support an industry that has an output of close to S$100billion last year, and that equates roughly to a third of Singapore'smanufacturing output, and 4.5% of Singapore's GDP.
"SSIA has been identified as the trade association todrive the Electronics Industry Transformation Map (ITM) and to be the voice ofone of Singapore's largest industry. The composition of the new Boardrepresents the support from the industry, for the industry," said Ang Wee Seng,Executive Director of SSIA.
About SSIA
Singapore Semiconductor IndustryAssociation (SSIA) has more than 160 members today including companies andorganisations throughout all parts of the complex and comprehensive value chain- IC design companies, Manufacturers, Fabless companies, Equipment suppliers,Photovoltaic companies, EDA and material suppliers, Training and serviceproviders, IP companies, research institutes and Academia, as well asindividual members. Since 2013, SME membership has grown exponentially and SMEsnow account for close to half of SSIA's membership.
Formore information about SSIA, please visit: https://ssia.org.sg/
Tojoin SSIA as a member, please visit https://ssia.org.sg/join-us/