SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 17 October, 2018 - Longway A.I. Technologies Pte Ltd (Singapore) and GeneralVision Inc®, one of the top 10 Artificial Intelligence companies inthe world1, have signed a research collaboration agreement todevelop Cognitive SSD, a "2.5" SSD with a configurable neuromorphic search engine thatenables energy efficiency and parallel high-speed sorting through big data using Artificial Intelligence(A.I.). It will be released in the 2nd to 3rd quarter of 2019 with API andSDK.
The Cognitive SSD has been designed to address all these impediments.It integrates in a 2.5" enclosure a large amount of storage for the user dataand a local search engine. This is made possible thanks to the General Vision'sNeuroMem® neural network technology with digital neurons combining both a learningand recognition logic and matching patterns in parallel at a very low powerconsumption.
The presence of the A.I. engine inside the SSD solves the problem ofdata transfer which is dominant in today's solutions, with penalties in speedand power consumption. A second major advantage is privacy protection as datadoes not have to be sent to the cloud or servers to obtain analytics from theircontent.
The 2.5" Cognitive SSD ispowered by a bank of NeuroMem® NM500 chips totalling over 8K neurons anddelivering more than 50,000 pattern recognition per second at less than 300 mwatts.
The Cognitive SSD can be configured with neuromorphic search engines targetinga variety of data types including but not limited to filenames, text documents,files of genomic sequences, audio files, image and video files, etc. Thesesearch engines can address consumer, industry and enterprise applications. Somepractical examples for the Cognitive SSD:
Cognitive SSD stems from the need for an agile and power efficient A.I.solution to provide the executive insights to Big Data, so that we can makeprecise data-driven decisions.
A.I. allows machines to perform human-liketasks, automate processes, improve productivity and enhance user experience.Key drivers for A.I. growth comprise of arising significance of Internet of Things (IoT) and the convergence of AI andIoT to create Intelligent and Smart Innovations. Our state-of-the-art embeddedA.I. solutions is one of the most agile and power-efficient in this rapidlygrowing market. IDC forecasts2 that spending on AI and machinelearning will grow from $12B in 2017 to $57.6B by 2021.
"We are onto one of the most exciting technologicalbreakthrough on green cognitive storage solution for Big Data processing," saidCalvin Ng, CEO Longway A.I. Technologies Pte Ltd.
"General Vision is delightedto open the "Cognitive Storage Era" with Longway A.I., in the perspective ofbringing soon to the market the first NeuroMem Smart Cognitive SSD" said GuyPaillet, CEO General Vision Inc®.
AboutLongway A.I. Technologies Pte Ltd
Longway A.I. Technologies Pte Ltd is Singapore's pioneer lowpower edge A.I. embedded solution company. The vision henceforth is to providebusinesses with near market, Artificial Intelligencesolutions for edge applications in IoT and BigData environments. They are currently working with government institutions inSingapore and corporations in Asia to promote the use of A.I. solutions in bothsmart city and development usage while incorporating A.I. functionalities intoexisting solutions.
Name of Company:Longway A.I. Technologies Pte Ltd
Representative: Calvin Ng, CEO
Email: calvin.ng@longwayai.com
Address: 11 Beach Road, Crasco Building #03-01 Singapore 189675
Website: www.longwayai.com
About General Vision Inc®
Name of Company:General Vision Inc®
Representative: Guy Paillet, CEO
Address: 1150 Industrial Avenue, Suite #A Petaluma, CA 94952
Website: https://www.general-vision.com
1 Global Neuromorphic Computing Market Analysis (2017-2023) https://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/w52rdg/global?w=5
2 Roundup of Machine Learning Forecast and Market Estimates (2018)