MANILA, PHILIPPINES - MediaOutReach - 19 October2018 - Viventis has grown into a majorplayer in the field of recruitment and human capital solutions for 17 years. Fueledby its mission to "ignite careers", it has become the first of its kind to centeron career well-being as a focal point in managing and developing careers. Viventishas built its strategy around core values of agility, career, and collaboration.This has proved to be critical in helping the company adapt to the disruptivebusiness environment and utilize technology as a driving force for change.
This 2018, its efforts todisrupt the human capital industry was recognized as it won the "Asia's MostPromising SMEs" award at the Asia Corporate Excellence & SustainabilityAwards in Singapore. The award recognizes an aspiring small-to-mediumenterprise with clear business direction, strong initiatives in driving growth,and immense potential for future growth and job creation. An esteemed panel ofbusiness leaders from across the region evaluates nominees not only based on theirprofitability and excellent corporate performance, but also on their vision onhow to sustain success and share this for the common good.
Viventis wins with itsgame-changing strategy focused on "The Future of Career Creation". Thissymbolizes the renaissance of the human profession where people prepare for the4th industrial revolution and anchor on establishing mastery,autonomy, and purpose. They foresaw a massive change in the industry andredefined its entire business to help individuals and organizations befuture-ready in the age of disruption. "We took this leap to ensure that theyare not displaced by technology but instead learn to maximize it in enhancingthe new civilization of mankind," says Executive Director Yu Ming Chin.
He adds:
"We donot see the future as a takeover of AI and technology but as a new renaissanceof human profession wherein the mastery that we try to build through capabilityand technology helps individuals reach a higher purpose imbued by careerwell-being. This has become the defining and perennial value for success andhappiness, built on the root of vocation."
The recognition serves as an inspirationfor all of Viventis, its partners, clients and candidates. The spark they haveignited in the human capital industry continues to burn and will usher in thisnew era of passionate profession and career fulfillment.