HONGKONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 15October 2018 - Grand Talents GroupHoldings Limited (the "Grand Talents Group",together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"; stock code: 8516), a local subcontractor engaged incivil engineering works, announces its successful listing on GEM of The StockExchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK") today.
The closing price of the GrandTalents Group's shares was HK$0.75per share, which was 87.5% higher than the final offer priceof HK$0.40 per share. The highest share priceof the day was HK$0.76 per share. On its first trading day, trading volume of the shares of the Grand TalentsGroup reached approximately 47 millionwith a total turnover of over HK$24.7 million.
Pulsar Capital Limited is the SoleSponsor. Sun International Securities Limited is the Sole Bookrunnerand the Joint LeadManager. Elstone Securities Limited is the Joint Lead Manager.
Commenting on the trading debut, Mr. Ha Chak Hung, Chairman and Executive Director of GrandTalents Group Holdings Limited, said, "the successful listing of the GrandTalents Group'sshare on GEM of SEHK is a proof of investors' confidence in thefuture prospectsof the Group. We strived to capitalise onthe international financing platform, to further enhance the Group'srecognition and cater for the growing demand and capture opportunities from theincrease of Government expenditure in the civil engineering industry."
About Grand Talents Group Holdings Limited
Grand Talents Group Holdings Limited is a civil engineeringsubcontractor with over eight years of experience in Hong Kong. It principallyrepairs and maintains structures of roads and highways in Hong Kong. Since 2013, it has extended its services to the construction ofsewerage, waterworks and barrier-free access facilities. Grand Talents Grouprecorded approximately HK$91.8 million of total revenue for the year ended 31March 2018. The Group intends to compete for repair and maintenance projects inother regions in Hong Kong, to enhance its market and seize the opportunity ofGovernment expenditure in the civil engineering industry.